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大连理工大学毕业论文(设计)格式规范 《左传》晋文公形象分析 - PAGE II - PAGE PAGE I 《左传》晋文公形象分析 Analysis on the image of Duke Wen of Jin in Zuo’s Commentary 摘要 重耳作为春秋五霸中的第二位霸主,诸多史书都对他进行过描写塑造,但真正把他表现得有血有肉,具有真实感的只有《左传》。《左传》在塑造晋文公重耳这一形象时,宏观来看,是通过将其放在多个连续的时间轴上的小故事中来表现晋文公从弱到强的形象。在刻画这个历史名人的形象时,左丘明并不急于将一个伟岸的形象呈现在我们眼前,而是将笔墨放诸于重耳如何一步步从小人物历练成家喻户晓的显赫霸主,其中有对重耳的外貌,动作和神态以及语言进行的正面描写,给人直观感受重耳形象;其中也穿插了一些对重耳身边人物的正面描写,从而侧面烘托出重耳的人物形象,使人读来真实可感,阅读完的感受好似随着晋文公经历了一场大逃亡,最后手握重权功成名就一般。至此晋国民富兵强整个国家欣欣向荣以及晋国近百年的霸主地位未曾被撼动,这都得益于晋国的这位在位仅九年的晋文公。从重耳从少不更事到政治场上与各国一把手切磋高下的整个过程,其间有太多传统美德值得去弘扬与继承,而且晋文公的形象还具有很高的文学影响和意义。 关键词:《左传》;文公;重耳;影响;形象分析 《左传》晋文公形象分析 PAGE PAGE II Analysis on the image of Duke Wen of Jinin Zuo’s Commentary Abstract Chonger, as the second hegemony in the Spring and Autumn Five Hegemony, has been described and shaped in many historical books, but only Zuo Zhuan has a real sense of reality. When Zuo Zhuan portrays the image of Jin Wen Gong Chonger, from a macro perspective, it expresses the image of Jin Wen Gong from weak to strong by putting it in a series of short stories on a continuous time axis. When portraying the image of this historical celebrity, Zuo Qiuming is not anxious to present the image of a great bank in front of us. Instead, he puts his pen and ink on how Chonger can step by step develop from a small person to a famous hegemony. Among them, there are positive descriptions of Chongers appearance, action and manner, as well as language, which give people an intuitive impression of Chongers image. The positive description of the characters around Chong Er sets off the image of Chong Er from the side, making people feel real and impressive. The feeling after reading is as if he had gone through a great escape with Jin Wengong, and finally achieved fame by holding heavy power. So far, the prosperity of the whole country and the hegemony of Jin State for nearly a hundred years have not been shaken, thanks to the Jin Wengong, who was in office for only nine years. During the whole process


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