2023年3月大学英语六级考试网络版真题及答案汇总(3套) .pdf

2023年3月大学英语六级考试网络版真题及答案汇总(3套) .pdf

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2023年3月大学英语六级考试真题及答案汇总(3套) 一、作文 第一套 外貌焦虑 Directions: For thispart, you are allowed 30minutes towrite an essay thatbegins with the sentence“People are now increasingly aware of the danger of appearance anxietyorbeing obsessedwith ones looks.” You canmake comments, cite examples or use your personal experiences to develop your essay You should write at least 150words butnomore than200wordsWith theprogress of societyand the improvement of living standards, many people, especially young people, become too concerned about their appearance and suffer from appearance anxiety. Appearance anxiety can cause us a lot of problems. Not only does this lead to many harmful behaviors, suchas excessive exercise, eating disorders, and even cosmetic surgery, which can affect our physical health, it can also have a negative impact on our mental health, making us feel anxious, even depressed, and plunging us into deep self-doubt. We should take positive actions to eliminate our appearance anxiety. First of all, we shouldkeepapositiveandoptimisticattitude inlifeand study,soasto improve and overcome anxiety by increasing personal confidence. Secondly, we should have normal standards of beauty, learn to accept our imperfections, and overcome the inferiorityand self-doubtbrought by looks.Lastbut not least,we shouldpay more attention to our inner character instead of superficial external performance. In conclusion, appearance anxiety can adversely affect our physical and mental health. We should take active actions to eliminate appearance anxiety through the above mentioned ways, so that we can enjoy a happier life. 第二套 面临众多选择时做决定 Directions: For thispart, you are allowed 30minutes towrite an essay thatbegins with the sentence “Peopleare now increasingly aware of the challenges inmaking adecision when faced with too many choices.”You can make comments, cite examples or use your personal experiences to develop your essay. You should write at leas


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