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3 P E T S I NTRODUCTION E L M S For house officers, the USMLE Step 3 is the last step to becoming a licensed U E physician. For international medical graduates (IMGs) applying for residency H training in the United States, this is an opportunity to strengthen the residency T O application and obtain an H1B visa. Regardless of who you are, do not make T the mistake of assuming that Step 3 is just like Step 2. Whereas Step 2 focuses E on clinical diagnosis, disease pathogenesis, and basic management, Step 3 em- D I phasizes initial and long-term management of common clinical problems in U G outpatient settings. Indeed, part of the exam includes computerized patient simulations in addition to the traditional multiple-choice questions. In this section, we will talk more about Step 3 and will provide you with Step 3 is not a retread proven approaches to conquering the exam. For a high-yield guide to the Computer-Based Clinical Simulations (CCS), go to Section I Supplement: of Step 2. Guide to the CCS. For a detailed description of Step 3, visit or refer to the USMLE Step 3 Content Description and Sample Test Materials booklet that you will receive upon registering for the exam. USM LE STE P 3––COM PUTE R-BASE D TESTI NG BASICS



