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填空式阅读( 新题型) 部分 三种备选题型 从命题形式看命题原理- 一篇填空式阅读的文章也是由两大信息板块组成的: 已知信息- (原文在空缺之外的没有被挖掉的信息) 未知(待选信息)- (就是后面的待选选项中的信息,而这些信息实际上也不是未知的,也是考生通过阅读可以把握的信息,所以称为待选信息更合适) 这个题型也是在考生对这两个信息板块之间互动关系的把握 测试点分析 判断和把握两个信息板块之间“相近性”的能力 判断和把握两个信息板块之间“衔接性”的能力 做题大原则–就近原则、衔接原则 最终的评判原则: 连贯性–把握了衔接原则 一致性–把握了就近原则 推荐的解题步骤 根据填空式阅读的命题形式,建议考生按照以下步骤来解题: 先阅读原文文章的首段; 阅读后面的备选选项; 再阅读原文的信息,进行解题; 最后,通读全文; 解题方法的基本设计思路- “由点入面、以点串面“ 破解新题型的八大解题方法体系: 方法1 :复现结构定位法 方法2 :上下文逻辑关系定位法 方法3 :总分/ 分总结构法 方法4 :举例定位法 方法5 :时间、地点、数字、人名等客观线索衔接关系定位法 方法6 :排比结构衔接法 方法7 :无关词排除法 方法8 :代词指代关系定位法 大纲样题解析 Directions: In the following article, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blank. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps .Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Long before Man lived on the Earth, there were fishes, reptiles, birds, insects, and some mammals. Although some of these animals were ancestors of kinds living today, others are now extinct, that is, they have no descendants alive now. 41 Very occasionally the rocks show impression of skin, so that, apart from color, we can build up a reasonably accurate picture of an animal that died millions of years ago. That kind of rock in which the remains are found tells us much about the nature of the original land, often of the plants that grew on it, and even of its climate. 42___ Nearly all of the fossils that we know were preserved in rocks formed by water action, and most of these are of animals that lived in or near water. Thus it follows that there must be many kinds of mammals, birds, and insects of which we know noting. 43 There were also crablike creatures, whose bodies were covered with a horny substance. The body segments each had two pairs of legs, one pair for walking on the sandy bottom, the other for swimming. The head was a kind of shield with a pair of compound eyes, often with thousands of lenses. They were u



