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Three Steps to Achieve Ecological Civilization 迈向生态文明的实践步骤 Clifford Cobb 克利福德·科布 In the year 1275, when Thomas Aquinas was writing his great synthesis of Greek philosophy and Christian theology, the world that he knew seemed like a healthy body with all of the parts working together smoothly. In that era of order and relative prosperity, intellectual life became so refined that scholars could spend their time debating how many angels could dance on the head of a pin. 1270年,对于正在写作关于古希腊哲学与基督教神学的集大成之作的托马斯·阿奎那而言,他所知道的世界就像一个健壮的身躯,各个组成部分都畅通无阻地运行着。在那个秩序井然而且相对繁荣的时代,知识分子的生活精致而优雅,以至于学者们致力于讨论诸如一个针尖上能够有多少个天使跳舞这样深奥的问题。 One would never guess from reading Aquinas and the work of other scholars at the University of Paris that there was a massive environmental crisis on the horizon. Yet, just three generations later, a seemingly trivial event occurred that almost destroyed European society. As a result of what is now called globalization, there was growing trade in the Mediterranean and beyond. So, it was easy for a few rats to climb on board a ship in India and jump off again in Constantinople (Istanbul today). 如果阅读阿奎那和他在巴黎大学那些同事们的著作,我们绝对不会推测出一场大规模的环境危机正在向他们逼近。然后,仅仅在三代或四代之后发生的一件似乎毫不起眼的小事,几乎摧毁了整个欧洲社会。作为“全球化”的结果,地中海及其周边地区的贸易日渐繁荣。因此,如果有几只老鼠在印度爬上船板,又在君士坦丁堡(今天的伊斯坦布尔)跳到岸上,是再正常不过的事情了。 Unfortunately, the fleas on those rats carried a disease called Bubonic Plague. From 1348 to 1350, that disease spread throughout Europe and killed 30 to 40 per cent of the population. Trade collapsed. Jews were attacked and expelled from some countries. The lives of peasants improved somewhat as wages rose, but urban development and innovation stalled. 不幸的是,那些老鼠身上的跳蚤携带着一种被称为“黑死病”的疾病。在1348到1350仅仅两年间,这种疾病蔓延至整个欧洲,有30%至40%的欧洲人因为它而丧生。它在欧洲人的心灵中留下了无法抹去的伤痕。自然逐渐被视为人类进步的敌人,这种想法强化了那种认为人类必须征服自然而不是在自然的限度内生活的观念。 If globalization contributed to a massive collapse of social order in 1350, a similar epidemic in the near


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