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二.Overview of Australia Australia is the only country in the world to occupy a single continent. It is a land of contrasts containing many different climates with unique flora and fauna found nowhere else on earth. Australia also enjoys an international reputation for being safe and friendly. English is the spoken language. 1.Overview of Australia New Zealand and Australia combined make up the area called Australasia. Australias unique geographical location means that it is isolated from the rest of the Western World. With around 20 million inhabitants it is the most sparsely populated continent after the Antarctica. 2.Try to discuss and give a brief introduction of Australia 三.Introduction to the Aborigines 1.Who are the Aborigines? Aborigine means “native” Original people of Australia Traveled in canoes from SE Asia Lived there at least 40,000 years as the only people Developed unique beliefs about creation Survived as hunters and observers Many died from disease or starved when their land was taken from them by the Europeans in the 1770s 2.What is Aboriginal Art? Last traditional art form to be appreciated To understand Aboriginal Art we first need to learn about Dreamtime Dreamtime refers to their beliefs of how the land and its people were created Believed supernatural beings with magical powers created the land’s features, animals and plants during dreamtime Art is a way to stay in touch with their ancestry and be a part of the natural world 3.Dreamtime Stories Passed down through generations by word of mouth Artworks depict deep meaning told through dreamtime stories Basis of value and belief system, affects their interaction with the land and animals Land is sacred because it contains their heritage, history, and powerful ancestors or spirits 4.The life of the Aborigines before The Aborigines did not have agriculture and did not learn how to tame animals. They therefore had to live from what nature gave them. Hunting was the only thing which t



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