15二十一世纪人力 资源特点.ppt

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Changes in the Nature of Work The Interweaving of Technology and Jobs Changes in the Design of Jobs(there will be no stable jobs in the future) Integration of Contingent Workers into the Workforce Increased Emphasis on Continuous Learning External Control of Performance Standards by Customers(Boom of services industry) Limitations on Leadership and Supervision Changes in the Structure of Work From Individuals to Teams The technologies that will most affect HR by 2010 The Web Application service providers (ASPs) Wireless communication Voice recognition Real-time translation Portals and personalization Push technology Workflow(the killer [application] that will allow HR to reposition itself as a strategic business partner) Source: Anonymous. What are the technologies that will most affect HR by 2010?. Hr Focus. 77(10): 9. 2000 Oct. 21世纪人力资源管理特点 知识经济时代是一个人才主权时代,也是一个赢家通吃的时代 员工是客户 人力资源管理的重心是知识型员工的管理 人力资源管理的核心是人力资源价值链管理 企业与员工关系的新模式——以劳动契约和心理契约为双重纽带的战略合作伙伴关系 人力资源管理在组织之中的战略地位在上升,管理重心下移 人力资源管理的全球化和信息化 人才流动的速度加快,流动的交易成本和风险增加 沟通、共识、信任、承诺、尊重、自主、服务、支持、创新、学习、合作、支援、授权、赋能将成为人力资源管理的新准则 现代人力资源管理的核心任务是构建智力资本优势。主要有三方面,一是企业的人才资本,二是企业的客户资本,三是企业的知识结构资本。 引自:彭剑锋,新世纪首届人力资源开发与管理论坛精彩撷英,中国人力资源开发,2000年第6期,pp4-9 Future trends in human resources GLOBAL COMPETITION FOR BUSINESS AND JOBS CAREER CHANGE AS A WAY OF LIFE THE RISE OF OUTSOURCING: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES CONTINUOUS LEARNING: THE KEY TO CAREER SUCCESS THE EXPLOSIVE GROWTH OF TECHNOLOGY-BASED LEARNING ARE WE READY FOR INSTANT KNOWLEDGE? (The ability to sort through large amounts of immediate information may become one of the new managerial skills.) QUALITY OF LIFE: AN ENDURING TREND Source: Morrow, John M. .Future trends in human resources. HR Focus. Sep 1999. Pp7-9 WHY OUTSOURCE HUMAN RESOURCES? Lower cost. Reduce overhead. Increase flexibility to manage the business. Reduce distraction-allows business owners to focus on planning, operating and growing their business. Integrate senior-level expertise. Focus on Best Practices. S


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