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摘 要 创业型企业,人才是其赖以生存发展的根本,尤其面对国内外市场竞争日益加剧的情况,创业型企业是要把核心员工的激励作为一项长期的持续的工作来策划,最大限度的激励员工,充分挖掘和发挥其内在潜力,只有这样才能有效的完成企业的组织远景、不断地提高企业的市场竞争力,在激烈的竞争中扎稳脚跟、有所建树。 本课题研究内容来源于自选,本文主要针对创业型企业的特点,研究创业型企业的激励机制对核心员工产生影响。论文首先对创业型企业和核心员工的概念进行界定,然后通过分析国内创业型企业的现状,指出当前创业型企业对核心员工激励存在的问题,最后论文以百度公司的激励机制为例子,分析提出创业型企业完善激励机制的对策,希望本论文对国内激励机制的研究有所借鉴。 关键词: 创业型企业,激励机制,核心员工,百度公司 注:本设计(论文)题目来源于自选(生产实际)。 Abstract To entrepreneur corporations, talents are the base of their survival and development, especially in the situation of increasingly fierce competition in both here and abroad. Entrepreneur corporations must take the simulation to core employee as a constant job, simulate the employee as much as possible, fully sick and function its inside potential. Only by this, the company can finish its organize target, promote its competitions in market, and stand firmly,be famous in the environment of survival of the fittest. The research comes from on-demand content. This article mainly base on the characters of entrepreneur corporations, study the influence of stimulation mechanism on core employees. This article first entrepreneurial enterprise and the concept of core staff to define, and then through the analysis of entrepreneurial enterprises in the domestic status quo, pointing out that the current core of entrepreneurial business-to-staff incentive problems, the final papers to the Baidu companys incentive mechanism, for example, analysis entrepreneurial incentives of enterprises to improve their response, I hope this paper incentives for domestic study and learn from. Key words: Entrepreneur Corporation ,Stimulation Mechanism,Core Employee, Baidu company 目录 1 1.1课题的背景及目的 1 1.1.1课题的背景 1 1.1.2课题的目的 2 1.2国内外的研究状况 2 1.3课题研究方法和研究内容 4 2 创业型企业和核心员工的界定 6 2.1创业型企业的特点 6 2.1.1创业和创业型企业概述 6 2.1.2创业型企业的阶段 6 2.1.3创业型企业的特征 7 2.2核心员工的界定 8 3 国内创业型企业激励机制的现状 10 3.1企业激励机制的内容 10 3.1.1对员工物质方面的激励 10 3.1.2对员工精神方面的激励 10 3.2国内创业型企业激励机制的现状和问题 11 3.2.1缺乏良好的精神激励模式 11 3.2.2缺乏有效的集体激励机制 11 3.2.3缺乏有效的长期激励机制 12 3.3国内创业型企业激励机制不健全的后果



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