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Abstract摘要 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT II财经学院工商管理系 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I摘要财经学院工商管理系 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I青海大学图书馆服务营销策略研究摘要在市场经济环境下,现代图书馆事业一方面取得了迅速发展,另一方面也受到了来自市场价值观的渗透和效益优先原则的冲击。社会市场化与高校图书馆公益性之间产生了许多令图书馆自身进退两难的“博弈”困境。而市场营销理念以其强有力的市场策略,为高校图书馆在社会市场化进程中实现可持续发展提供了可行之路。文章首先通过国内外服务营销理论的综述强调高校图书馆的准公共物品性质;其次,从馆方和用户的角度调查了解青海大学图书馆服务营销的现状;再次,结合青海大学图书馆的生存环境,讨论目标市场定位,从外部和内部两个方面探索适合青海大学图书馆的服务营销策略。关键词:图书馆,服务营销,青海大学AbstractTHE RESEACH ON SERVICES MARKETING STRATEGY OF QINGHAI UNIVERDITY LIBRARYAbstractIn the environment of market Economy, Modern library has developed rapidly on the one side, But on the other side, it has also occurred crisis from erosion of marketing views and the principle of efficiency first. Between social marketing and the nature of public library, university library went into Game situation. However, marketing strategy has found practical way for sustainable development of university library for its strong strategy. The departure researched from the facts of Qinghai university , firstly , combination the discussion on the university library service marketing strategy of domestic and foreign scholars , defined it quasi-public goods , secondly ,analyze the situation of Qinghai university library from the perspective of libraries and readers , thirdly , based on the particular environment , discussed its sustainable choices , draw practical conclusions from external and internal sides .KEYWORDS : library , services marketing , Qinghai university目录目录财经学院工商管理系 Ⅲ目录 TOC \o 1-3 \u 1绪论 PAGEREF _Toc297226142 \h 11.1研究背景 PAGEREF _Toc297226143 \h 11.2研究意义 PAGEREF _Toc297226144 \h 11.3研究内容 PAGEREF _Toc297226145 \h 11.4研究方法 PAGEREF _Toc297226146 \h 22图书馆服务营销理论综述 PAGEREF _Toc297226147 \h 32.1服务营销理论综述 PAGEREF _Toc297226148 \h 32.1.1服务营销的含义与特征 PAGEREF _Toc297226149 \h 32.1.2服务营销的发展重点和趋势 PAGEREF _Toc297226150 \h 32.2 非营利性组织服务营销理论 PAGEREF _Toc297226151 \h 42.3图书馆服务营销理论 PAGEREF _Toc297226152 \h 52.3.1 国外研究部分 PAGEREF _Toc297226153 \h 52.3.2国内研究部分 PAGEREF _Toc29


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