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路由协议 a stub network:只有一个出口的网络叫 stub network 。 Routing:路由别人的协议,比如RIP等。 Routed:被路由的协议,就是ip协议,ipx等。 根据distance值选择走那条路,值越小越优先。管理距离Administrative Distance是规定好的。 防止路由无穷: 1.A related concept is the Time-to-Live (TTL) parameter. The TTL is a packet parameter that decreases each time a router processes the packet. When the TTL reaches zero, a router discards or drops the packet without forwarding it. A packet caught in a routing loop is removed from the internetwork when its TTL expires 2.防止计数到无穷Count to Infinity Define a limit on the number of hops to prevent infinite loops.设置最大跳数 防止路由循环 1.Split Horizon水平分割 It is never useful to send information about a route back in the direction from which the original information came. 防止环路机制1:水平分割:从别人那学的信息不再告诉回去。避免路由环路。 2.Route Poisoning Routers advertise the distance of routes that have gone down to infinity. 防止环路机制2:路由中毒:如果Down掉了,直接将跳数设置为无限大,rip是16。 3.Poison Reverse 防止环路机制3:反向中毒: Poison reverse overrides the split-horizon solution 4.Holddown Timers The router keeps an entry for the network’s possible down state, allowing time for other routers to recompute for this topology change. 防止环路机制4:保持时间:设置定时器,在180秒之内不再管你的变化,防止你的线路不稳定,影响路由器CPU的使用率。 在Holddown time时间内,照常转发信息包,到直连断开路由器处丢掉。 Holddown time结束,更新断开处状态,好了就更新,断了就去掉该路由信息。 5.Triggered Updates 防止环路机制5:触发更新机制:不等30秒,只要断掉了,马上发布出去。 The router sends updates when a change in its routing table occurs. 静态路由 Router(config)#ip route 目的地址network号 mask {下一跳的address | interface} [distance] [permanent] Distance:管理距离值 Permannent:永久。当接口不存在了,也不去掉这条路由值。 (config)# ip route (config)# ip route s0 查看静态路由配置 router#show ip route Codes: C - connected, S - static, I - IGRP, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2, E - EGP i - IS-IS, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2, * - candidate default U - per-user static route ? Gateway of last resort is to network ? /8 is subne


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