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基于PLC的循环硫化床锅炉燃烧控制系统的设计 摘要 在当今各种工业企业的动力设备中,锅炉仍然是一重要的组成部分。随着现代化工业的飞速发展,对能源利用率的要求越来越高,作为将一次能源转化为二次能源的重要设备之一的锅炉,其控制和管理随之要求越来越高。但在我们国家,除了一些大中型锅炉采用了先进的控制技术外,绝大多数中小企业所用的锅炉,大部分还在采用仪表/继电器控制,甚至还是人工操作,己无法满足要求。据此,本文针对于循环硫化床锅炉,提出了一套PLC加上位机的控制系统方案。对其各模拟量进行采集并进行处理. 本文以循环硫化床锅炉的PLC控制系统为背景,理论与实践相结合,详细阐述了集PLC技术,通信技术于一体的先进控制技术在循环硫化床锅炉控制系统中的应用。在该系统中,应用了Siemens公司的S7-200系列PLC,并用其编程软件Step7 Micro /WIN32 V4.0设计锅炉控制的梯形图、STL语句; 关键词: 循环硫化床锅炉 PLC Step7 Micro /WIN32 V4.0 A design of combustion Control System of Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler on the plc controled Abstract Nowadays the boilers are still an important component among various power equipments in industrial enterprises.Along with the fast development of modern industry, high efficient energy utilization is pursued more and more.And the boiler are a kind of primary equipments for converting raw energy into secondary energy, so their control and supervision is very important for promoting energy utilization efficiency. But in advanced control our country, only some big and medium-sized boilers have adopted technique. Most boilers being used by medium and small enterprises, are controlled by meter/relays, or even manually. That can not meet demand. In this paper, a control system scheme of PLC+IPC is proposed, which is aiming Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler. An advanced Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler control technique composed of PLC, and communication are detailly described with respect to theory and application in thispaper, which is based on combustion Control System of Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler on the plc controled in certain plant.The S7-300 series PLC of Siemens Company is adopted in the boiler control systems. The Step 7 programming software is used to design the ladder chart, the STL language . Key words: Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler ,PLC, Step7 Micro /WIN32 V4.0 第一章 绪论 5 1.1国内外循环流化床技术的发展概况


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