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从中西“龙”文化发展差异浅谈如何英译龙 Comparisons on different cultural developments of dragon in China and western country To discuss how to translate “dragon” into English ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Acknowledgements My deepest gratitude goes firstly and foremost to my supervisor, Ms Zhang Xuan, for her inestimable help, consistent encouragement and valuable instruction. I would also like to extend my sincere thankfulness to my classmates, who have been supporting and encouraging me consistently, and also helping me in working out the difficulties during the process of searching for materials, writing this paper, etc. I am indebted to those writes and editors whose works I appreciate and benefit from greatly. Without these valuable materials, my argumentation would not have been authoritatively supported. I also thank those who have helped me in course of writing and those whose name I can’t list here one by one. ORIGINALITY RESEARCH STATEMENT 论文原创声明 In light of the principles of academic morals and ethnics, I hereby declare that this thesis represents the original research effort that I have made on the advice of my academic supervisor. To the best of my knowledge, no portion of this thesis has been cited without being properly referenced, and whoever has contributed to this thesis is explicitly identified and appreciated in the acknowledgements section. I am fully responsible for any breach of the copyright law that might arise. 根据学术道德规范,本人承诺如下: 本论文由本人在导师的指导下独立完成。据本人所知,本论文所引用部分均已注明出处,对论文有帮助的人员均已在鸣谢部分阐明,不存在侵犯知识产权的文字。本人对本论文导致的任何违反知识产权的情况承担全部责任。 签名Signature: 日期Date: Contents Introduction…………………………………………………………..…………7 Different cultural and historical developments of dragon in China and western countries10 2.1 The cultural and historical development of Chinese “Long”…………10 2.1.1 In ancient times……………………………………………………..…10 2.1.2 In the middle-age………………………………….……….………….11 2.1.3 In Contemporary Time………………………….…………...…….…...…13 2.2 The cultural and historical development of we


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