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数控卧式车床CK6152液压尾座设计 摘要:本课题的目的在于设计出与数控卧式车床CK6152相匹配的液压尾座系统。本课题将以数控卧式车床CK6152的液压尾座为研究对象,设计出符合数控卧式车床CK6152的液压尾座。 为了完成本课题的设计,在设计之前的准备工作必须做好,首先是搜集和分析资料,包括国内外数控机床的发展现状及趋势;液压技术和液压传动系统的基本资料;同等机床液压尾座的图纸和资料等。其次是初步确定液压尾座的总体布局,包括配置形式、液压系统的布置及选择液压能源及相应的配套元件等。最后主要是关于尾座的设计。 CK6152数控机床液压尾座设计的主要内容是尾座体、套筒、顶尖、尾座孔系、尾座导轨,挠度、转角、液压缸内径及压板处螺栓直径、锁紧力的计算及校核。其中选择莫氏4号锥度的尾座顶尖,是利用莫氏锥度自身的结构特性来卡紧尾座顶尖的,它解决了顶尖在工作时会出现松动或转动现象。在套筒中设计了滑键槽和顶尖顶出孔,解决了顶尖在工作时会随套筒转动从而影响工件的加工精度;还在套筒中设计了顶卸的装置,便于顶尖的拆卸。 关键词:数控机床 尾座 液压系统 液压缸 设计 校核 Design of CK6152CNC Machine Tailstock Hydraulic System Abstract:The main purpose of the research is based on CK6152CNC machine tools to design requirements, designed to match its hydraulic Tailstock to meet the rotation accuracy, rigidity, temperature rise, and so on seismic requirements, to enhance the overall performance of machine tools. ?? To accomplish this design, I collected and analysed the information before the design, including domestic and international development of CNC machine tools; hydraulic system of hydraulic technology and the basic information; equal hydraulic machine Tailstock the drawings and information . Then is tentatively determined the overall layout of hydraulic Tailstock, including the allocation of form, layout and the hydraulic system of hydraulic energy, and select the appropriate matching components, such as. This was followed by the main Tailstock the design and calculation. The main design of CK6152CNC machine tools is that the tailstock, top and the hole, the tailstock, and they are allowed to produce cantilever deflections corner, hydraulic cylinder bore diameter and pressed the bolt in place, the locking force of the school. One of the nuclear option morse the cone at the end of the top and is using its own structure of the cone morse the nature of the top card up its tail, it addresses the top of the work that is coming loose. The turning or pivoting in the design of cylinder and the top of a punch to the top of the work will turn to the influe


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