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图像去噪处理的研究及MATLAB仿真 [摘要] 图像是一种重要的信息源,通过图像处理可以帮助人们了解信息的内涵。数字图像噪声去除涉及光学系统、微电子技术、计算机科学、数学分析等领域,是一门综合性很强的边缘科学,如今其理论体系已十分完善,且其实践应用很广泛在医学、军事、艺术、农业等都有广泛且成熟的应用。MATLAB是一种高效的工程计算语言,在数值计算、数据处理、图像处理、神经网络、小波分析等方面都有广泛的应用。MATLAB是一种向量语言,它非常适合于进行图像处理。 小波变换 图像去噪 阈值 MATLAB The Research of Image De-noising Based on Matlab [Abstract] Image is one kind of important information source, may help People through the imagery processing to understand the information the connotation. The digital image de-noise involves domains and so on optical system, microelectronic technology, computer science,mathematical analysis, it’s a very comprehensive interdisciplinary science, now its practice application is very widespread: In the medicine, the military, art, the agriculture and all have very extensive and ripe using so on. MATLAB is one kind of highly effective engineering calculation language,in aspects and so on value computation, data processing, imagery processing, neural network, wavelet analysis all has the widespread application. This article has stated the theory of wavelet threshold denoising , then done comparing experiments using several good threshold denoising methods.Finally according to the theory analysis and simulation results,the paper discusses several kinds of factors which affect the denoising capability in a complete denoising algorithm. That provides the date reference of threshold denoising methods in actual image process.Keywords: Wavelet transformation; Image denoising; Wavelet threshold; MATLAB 目 录 前言 第章 .1 噪声图像模型及噪声特性 1.1.1 含噪模型 1.1.2 噪声特性 1.2 图像质量的评价 1.2.1 主观评价 1.2.2 客观评价 第章 图像去噪方法 2.1 传统去噪方法 2.1.1 空域滤波 2.1.2 频域低通滤波法 2.2 小波去噪 2.2.1 小波去噪发展历程.2.2 小波的现状.2.3 小波去噪方法 第章 小波变换理论.1 从傅里叶变换到小波变换………………………………………………………………12 3.2 小波的基本概念 3.2.1 连续小波变换 3.2.2 离散小波变换 第章 4.1 小波阈值去噪概述 ………………………………………………………………………18 4.1.1 阈值去噪法简述 ………………………………………………………………18 4.1.2 小波阈值去噪方法 ……………………………………………………………18 4.2 基于MATLAB的小波去噪函数简介


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