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CAN总线在中央空调监控系统中的应用 摘 要 中央空调控制系统是智能建筑中不可缺少的组成部分。传统的控制方法是采用DDC(直接数字控制器)方式,将各个温度、湿度检测点和控制点连接到一台或多台DDC上,实行多点实时监控。由于现代智能建筑楼层较多,多个空调风机位于不同楼层,温、湿度检测点分布于各个房间,采用DDC方式进行控制具有引线过长、施工不便、系统通信的实时性和可靠性不高等缺点,而面向工业控制的现场总线技术是目前解决工业控制现场数据实时通信问题的最佳方案。 本文在研究国内中央空调监控系统的发展现状与特点的基础上,设计了基于CAN总线的中央空调监控系统。整个中央空调监控系统以基于PCI总线的CAN通信卡作为总线数据采集器,采用接口芯片PCI9052实现CAN通信卡同PC机之间的通信,外置CAN芯片SJA1000实现CAN总线的物理层和数据链路层功能。通过对CAN通信卡的驱动程序设计,实现对CAN总线上节点的监视和控制。 本文详细分析了CAN总线和PCI总线的技术特点及通信机理,研究了独立CAN控制SJA1000和CAN总线驱动器的工作原理,完成了通信卡的硬件设计及驱动程序设计。 关键词 中央空调监控系统;CAN总线;PCI总线;PCI9052 Design of Control System of Central air-condition based on CAN bus Abstract Central Air Conditioning System is an intelligent building an integral part. Traditional control method is used DDC (Direct Digital Controller) approach of the various temperature and humidity measure points and control points connected to one or more DDC, the implementation of multi-real-time monitoring. As more modern intelligent building floor, a number of different floors in the air conditioning fan, temperature, humidity detection point located in each room, using DDC control has lead way too long, construction inconvenience, the system real-time communication and reliability of the disadvantages of not and field bus for industrial control industrial control technology is to solve the problem on site traffic data in real time the best option. This paper studies the domestic central air-conditioning control system development and characteristics based on the CAN bus is designed based on the central air conditioning system monitoring. Central air-conditioning control system to the PCI bus based on CAN bus communication cards for data acquisition, achieved using CAN communication interface chip PCI9052 PC-Card with the communication between the external chip SJA1000 CAN bus to achieve the physical layer and data link layer functions. CAN communication card on the driver design, implementation of the CAN bus monitor and control nodes. This paper analyzes the CAN bus and


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