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Chapter 6 Research Design: An Overview Learning Objectives Understand the major descriptors of research design Understand the major types of research designs Understand the relationships that exist between variables in causal designs and the steps for evaluating those relationships Research Design Exhibit 6-1 Design in the Research Process Exhibit 6-2 Descriptors of Research Design The Degree of Structure Exploratory Study Loose structure Expand understanding Provide insight Develop hypotheses Formal Study Precise procedures Begins with hypotheses Answers research questions The Topical Scope Statistical Study Breadth Population inferences Quantitative Generalizable findings Case Study Depth Detail Qualitative Multiple sources of information Descriptive Studies Causal Studies Experiment Study involving the manipulation or control of one or more variables to determine the effect on another variable Ex Post Facto study After-the-fact report on what happened to the measured variable Exhibit 6-3 Mills Method of Agreement Exhibit 6-4 Mills Method of Difference Methods of Data Collection The Time Dimension The Research Environment Participants’ Perceptions Approaches for Exploratory Investigations Interviewing Participant observation Film, photographs Projective techniques Psychological testing Case studies Street ethnography Elite or expert interviewing Document analysis Proxemics and Kinesics Desired outcomes of Exploratory Studies_1 Desired outcomes of Exploratory Studies_2 Common Exploratory Techniques for Research Experience Surveys What is being done? What has been tried in the past with or without success? How have things changed? Who is involved in the decisions? What problem areas can be seen? Whom can we count on to assist or participate in the research? Focus Groups Group discussion 6-10 participants Moderator-led 90 minutes-2 hours Descriptive Studies Causal Studies Causal Studies Symmetrical Two factors fluctuate together, but one does not influen


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