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Job Safety Analysis 工作安全分析 A procedure used to review job methods and uncover hazards 用来回顾工作方法和未控制隐患的规程 Hazard Identification Cycle 隐患识别的循环 Hazard Identification Cycle Purpose of the JSA 工作安全分析的目的 What is the purpose of the JSA? JSA的目的? Can you describe each step of every job you do? 你能描述一下一项具体工作的程序吗? Do you know all the hazards associated with your job? 你知道你工作中的所有隐患吗? Purpose of the JSA 工作安全分析的目的 to create job safety awareness(提高工作中的安全意识) establish a way of thinking(建立一种思考方式) develop or re-vamp procedures(做新的或重新回顾旧的操作规程) train new employees(培训新雇员) use during accident investigations(用于事故调查) to identify and resolve hazards(发现和控制隐患) Four steps to conducting a JSA(JSA的四步骤) Select the job(选择一项工作) Break the job down(把工作分解) Identify the hazards(识别隐患) Develop solutions(找出解决方法) Select the job to analyze(对工作进行分析) Analyze only one job at a time.(一次分析一种工作) Define the objective of each job(确定这项工作的目的) Select the job to analyze(选择工作) Jobs with high accident rates(事故频率高的工作) Jobs that produce Lost Time Injuries(出现过LTI的工作) Dangerous jobs - High Potential(危险的工作) New jobs, or new equipment(新工作、新设备) Non Routine jobs(非日常工作) Ultimately - All jobs(基本的-所有工作) Break the job down(把工作分解) Start at the beginning(从第一步开始) List each basic step involved(列出每一步) Include every basic step(包含所有的步骤) 10 - 15 steps is normal(10-15步是正常的) Record what is done - not how(记录下做了什么,而不是怎么做) Break the job down Note: When listing the job steps. At each step ask yourself: “Is this step needed to achieve the objective of this job?“(在列出所有步骤时,应当注意到每一步都是有用的) Break the job down Avoid confusing hazard controls as job steps.(避免把控制隐患当作工作步骤) e.g. is preparing or donning PPE a job step? Identify the hazards(识别隐患) Identify the hazards for each job step(识别每一步中的隐患) Consider all possible hazards(考虑可能存在的隐患) Use the basic accident types as a guide(参考以前的此列工作中发生的事故) Identify the hazards(识别隐患) Identify hazards for each job step(识别每一步的隐患) Identify physical hazards(物理隐患) Identify chemical hazards(化学隐患) Identify ergonom


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