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MIMO信道空时编码技术的研究 摘要   未来的无线通信系统的目标是实现无所不在的、高速、可靠的移动多媒体传输。由多发射和多接收天线组成的多输入多输出MIMO(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output)技术正是在不牺牲发射功率和信号带宽的条件下,达到这一目标的有效技术之一。MIMO技术在无线通信链路两端均使用多个天线,可以充分利用无线传播中的多径传输,使频谱利用率和链路可靠性得到极大的提高。与MIMO技术紧密相关的就是空时编码,本文介绍常见的三种空时编码技术:分层空时码、空时网格码和分组空时码的性能和复杂度,最后对三种编码方案的优缺点进行总结比较。 本文首先对无线MIMO系统的信道模型、信道容量两个主要方面涉及到的有关理论进行了分析;然后研究和介绍分层空时码、空时网格码和分组空时码和的原理和编码方法,及其对MIMO信道改善情况,并且比较各种编码方法各方面的优缺点;最后在瑞利衰落MIMO信道下,对三种编码:空时分层码、空时网格码和空时分组码进行MATLAB仿真与分析,并给出了有关仿真结果。 关键词 MIMO;空时编码;分层空时码;空时网格码;分组空时码 The Research on MIMO Channel Space-time Coding Technology Abstract The future breadband wireless communication systems are expected to provide ubiquitous, high-reliability, and high-data-rats mobile multimedia transmission. MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output)technique utilizing multiple antennas to realize multiple transmissions and multiple receiving can exploit space resource adequately and can improve channel capacity without any loss in bandwidth and transmitting power. So it can meet the need of high data transmission in future wireless communications, closely associated with MIMO technology is space-time coding.The paper introduces principle of three kinds of common space-time coding oftechnology, introduces emphatically the space-time codes, layered grid space-time code, grouping space-time code three common space-time coding scheme and complexity, the performance of the advantages and disadvantages of the three kinds of encoding scheme is summarized.   Firstly, the wireless MIMO system, channel models, channel capacity involves two main aspects of the theory are analyzed; research and introduce the layered space-time codes, space-time trellis codes and space time block codes and the principles and coding methods, with it to MIMO channel improvement situation and compare advantages and disadvantages of various aspects of coding; Finally, in theRayleigh fading MIMO channel, I carry on the MATLAB simulation and analysis for the three codes: layered space-time codes, spac


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