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THE BASICS OF PRE PROOF FORZEN DOUGH 预发酵冷冻面团的基础 ROY CHUNG BAKERY CONSULTANT US WHEAT ASSOLCIATES SINGAPORE THE NEEDS FOR PRE-PROOFED FROZEN DOUGH预发酵冷 冻面团的需要 ·A typical frozen baguette requires approximately 3 hours to thaw and bake典型的法式 面包需要大约3小时解冻及烘烤 ·This is a fairly long time to wait if the goods are required on short notice对于如果货品 被要求尽快提供这是一个相当长的等待时间 ·A pre-proofed baguette will take less than an hour to undergo the same process预发酵 法式面包用不到1小时的时间经过同样的过程 ·Thus, this makes it an attractive alternative因此,这是一个有吸引力的选择 THE NEEDS FOR PRE-PROOFED FROZEN DOUGH预发酵冷 冻面团的需要 ·In practice, very little pre-proofed baguettes are made实际上,很少生产预发酵法式 面包 ·Most outlets still prefer the part bake baguette as the most viable alternative as the time required to undergo the thawing and re-baking process can be even shorter than that of the pre-proofed version大多数面包店仍然愿意使用部分烘烤的法式面包作为主要选择因为它在进行解冻和再烘烤时所需要的时间甚至比预发酵产品更短 THE NEEDS FOR PRE-PROOFED FROZEN DOUGH预发酵冷 冻面团的需要 ·Most pre-proofed products are of the Viennoserie types or yeast leavened laminated dough大多数的预发酵产品是酵母发酵的层状面团 ·This alternative is very viable in the hot bread shops as the timing requirements are fairly similar to that of the baguette这种选择对现场加工面包的店里是非常可行的因为时间的要求与法式面包类似 THE NEEDS FOR PRE-PROOFED FROZEN DOUGH预发酵冷 冻面团的需要 ·In the Viennoiserie varieties, no par baking is practice in part due to the formulation Viennoiserie这类产品,由于配方的原因部分烘烤是不可行的 ·The combination of a high level of sugar and fat makes the product color before the structure can be set during the baking process在烘烤中组织结构建立前高含量的糖和脂为产品上色 ·Thus, par-baking is not possible因此,部分烘烤是不可能的 IMPROTANT CHANGES IN FORMULATION配方的重要变化 Flour面粉 ·Very strong flour is required to maintain the proofed structure and is often in the region of 15 to 17% (based on dry matter basis) or 12.9 to 14.62% (based on 14% moisture basis) 为了维持发酵结构要求使用高筋的面粉,通常是在15-17%范转内(以干物质为基础)或12.9-14.62%(以14%的水分为基础) ·Another requirement of this strong flour is for it to have a balanced extensibility property to enable i


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