建筑工程 毕业设计论文(精品).doc

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摘 要 随着城市化进程的加快,城市建设的地下室越来越大,越来越深,这是城市建筑大型化、高层化以及充分利用地下室空间带来的结果,然而地下室属于隐蔽工程,如果在今后使用过程中出现漏水现象,后果将不堪设想,因而地下室的防水工程就显得尤为重要和突出渗漏有效地抑制早期干缩微裂及离析裂纹的产生及发展,极大减少混凝土的收缩裂缝,尤其是有效抑制了连通裂缝的产生;均匀分布在混凝土中彼此相粘连的大量纤维起着“承托”骨料的作用,降低了混凝土表面的析水与骨料的离析,从而使混凝土中的孔隙含量大大降低,可以极大地提高抗渗能力ABSTRACT Along with urbanized advancement quickening, the urban construction basement is more and more big, more and more deep, this is the city construction large scale, the high stratification as well as fully the result which brings using the basement space, however the basement belongs to the concealed work, if will appear the water leakage phenomenon in the next use process, the consequence will be inconceivable, thus the basement waterproof project will appear especially is important and is prominent. Although creates the leakage the reason to have very many kinds, but quite important has these kinds: The design, the construction as well as the concrete the strain crack which reasons and so on temperature is created and so on the principal aspect.Do this plan main research basements as well as in to the basement construction process in the common question, for example the basement wall produce the crack, the basement have the leakage, how in the basement ultra long concrete structure construction prevented the coagulation local product seams with concrete distortion and so on.After studied this plan to propose the following solution: 1 establishment the pouring belt. establishment the pouring belt is in order to release the restraint stress which the distortion produces, therefore is at present utilizes quite widely prevented the temperature shrinkage strain has the crack one method, and is expands the expansion joint spacing or cancels the expansion joint the effective action. 2 enhances the concrete impervious ability to increase in the concrete mixes the quantity is the 0.6~0.8kg/m3 polypropylene textile fiber, suppresses the concrete early time air shrinkage checking and the segregation crack production



