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【摘 要】 随着科学技术的飞速发展,人类目前已经置身于信息时代,信息的获取是实现信息他的前提,获取信息的一种重要工具就是传感器。综合了传感器技术、嵌入式计算机技术、现代网络及无线通信技术、分布式信号处理技术等的无线传感器 网络是多学科高度交叉的新兴前沿研究热点领域。在作战人员通信、环境和气象监测、灾害预警、智能家具、辐射监测等众多领域都发挥着重要作用。低成本、低功耗、应用简单的IEEE802.15.4和ZigBee协议的诞生为无线传感器网络提供了互联互通酶规范。 ZigBee协议是由IEEE802.15 4标准的PHY和MAC层再加上ZigBee的网终层和应用层组成的,由于网络节点具有成本低、体积小、能量和通信能力有限等特点,所以此种网络的突出特点是两络系统支持低成本、易实现、低功耗等。 本课题综合运用无线传感器网络技术、现场总线技术和以太网技术,用网络化思想构建了温度传感器系统。 关键词:MSP430F2274 ZIGBEE CC2500 【Abstract】 With the rapid development of technology,human has been in informationera. Obtaining information is the precondition of realizing informationization while one of the most important tools which were used toacquire information is the sensors.The wireless sensor network which combinessens or technology,wireless communication technology,embedded computertechnology,modern network and distributed information disposal technology together is a multi—study,highly crossed new research fields.It plays an important part in campaign people communication,invironmental and weather control,disaster detection,intelligent building,radiation inspection and so on.The IEEE802.15.4 and ZigBee protocol offer the criterion for wireless sensor netwok. ZigBee protocol is constituted of IEEE802.15.4 PHY and MAC layer.ZigBee network layer and application layer.because the node has some characteristics such as low.cost,small volume,1imited energy and limited communication,the networks characteristic CS are the system supporting low cost operation,easily realization and very low power consumption. Key Words: MSP430F2274 ZIGBEE CC2500 目录 1 引言 1 2 MSP430单片机介绍 2 2.1 MSP430单片机的用途 2 2.2 MSP430单片机的功能 2 2.3 MSP430F2274的介绍 3 2.3.1 MSP430F2274的16位CPU 4 2.3.2 MSP430F2274的存储器组织 5 2.3.3 MSP430F2274的寻址模式 6 2.4 MSP430F2274的原理图 6 3 无线射频芯片CC2500 8 3.1 CC2500的性能参数 8 3.2 CC2500的内部结构 9 4 ZigBee协议栈研究 10 4.1 ZigBee协议栈概述 10 4.2 IEEE802.15.4通信层 12 4.2.1 PHY(物理)层 12 4.2.2 MAC(介质接入控制子层) 13 4.3 ZigBee网络层 15 4.3.1 网络层概况 15 4.3.2网络层帧结构 17 4.3.3网络层功能介绍 17


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