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题 目 基于单片机的电热水器控制系统设计 摘 要 近十余年来,的展极为迅速。AT89C52单片机;温度测量;LED显示;A/D转换电路 Abstract The recent ten years, microcontroller technology development extremely rapidly, it is widely used in production, life and in all areas. The design of control system adopts AT89C52 single chip computer as the controlling core, and using of the existing interface organization as the hardware modules. Then described it by two parts that are hardware and software. Hardware refers to the temperature controller for the core, with outside temperature measurement circuit, real-time clock circuit, keyboard ,reset and watch-dog circuit, water heater heating switches, LED display circuit component. While software part then is mainly to simulate the result and to program the realization of system function. This design uses the modular design, with the main modular, it is separate into several independent program modules. Including control module, temperature module, display module and so on, and will connect each module by the single chip computer, forming an integral whole. This system can realize the collection and display of the temperature, clock display, the control ways of the water heater .So it has highly practical value. Keywords: AT89C52 single chip computer; temperature measurement; the LED display; A/D circuit 目 录 1 引言 1 2电热水器控制系统整体设计方案 2 2.1电热水器控制系统功能说明 2 2.2 系统整体设计方案 2 3 硬件设计 3 3.1微控制器模块 3 3.2 温度测量 4 3.2.1 Pt1000铂电阻温度传感器 4 3.2.2温度信号放大电路 5 3.2.3模数转换电路 6 3.3 实时时钟 7 3.4 温度、时钟的显示电路 8 3.5 看门狗复位电路 10 4 软件设计 11 4.1 整体软件设计 11 4.2 模数转换软件设计 12 5 结论 14 参考文献 15 谢 辞 16 1 引言 我国是热水器生产大国,由于消费水平的提高和人们对生活品质要求的提高,热水器已由一个高档的奢侈品成为一种必备的家庭用具,受到越来越多人的青睐。然而热水器的种类很多,按能源分类热水器可分为电热水器、太阳能热水器和燃气热水器 。太阳能热水器就是以太阳能作为能源进行加热的热水器,它节能环保,但是安装复杂,并且受到安装场所的制约,只有有些家庭可以安装,而北方由于天气原因,使用此热水器的就更少了;燃气热水器小巧,品种多,而且污染小,是目前最为常用的热水器产品之一,但如果家里之前没有安装过,重新安装比较麻烦,需要进行燃气和水的管道改造;电热水器安装简单,不受气候、场所的限制,以其方便,安全无污染,保温时间长等优势受到越来越多人的认可。电热水器看似简单,实际却是很难做好的一种家用电器,它的各个部分的设计如控制系统、水路、内胆制造、外壳、防烫伤装置等,都制约着电热水器的性能和发展。根据必威体育精装版统计,目前热水器(包括燃气、电、太阳能等)在中国城镇家庭


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