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中文摘要 企业安全文化建设是近年来安全科学领域提出的一项企业安全生产保障新对 策,是安全系统工程和现代安全管理的一种新思路、新策略,也是企业事故预防 的重要基础工程。安全文化理论的提出,为实现安全生存和保障企业安全生产的 实践中,增添了新的策略和方法。 企业安全文化是近年来人们对安全管理方式与制度的创新,是一种新型的安 全管理科学。铁路企业安全文化建设是保障铁路安全的重要基础。铁路企业要把 安全工作提高到文化的高度予以认识,加强对企业安全文化建设,结合企业的自 身特点,积极建设企业安全文化,从而改善提升中国铁路企业的核心竞争力。 本文在深入研究了企业安全文化理论和综合评价方法的基础上,对铁路企业 安全文化综合评价的指标和方法进行了研究,运用层次分析法构建了包含37个评 价指标的铁路企业安全文化评价指标体系。之后设计了铁路企业安全文化评价模 型,分析了模型的评价结论,指出了其安全文化的薄弱环节。最后,运用本文所 建立的模型,对徐州车路段安全文化建设提出了一些建议以及改进措施。 关键词:安全文化;铁路安全文化建设;评价指标体系;评估模型;层次分析法 分类号: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT: Establishment of Corporate safety culture is a new countermeasure to insure the safety of corporate producing. It is not only a kind of new ideas and new strategies, but also is a kind of base of preventing the happening of production accident. Corporate safety culture provides new method for production safety. Corporate safety culture is a new type of security management science in recent years. It is a kind of innovation for the safety management style. Railway corporate should pay high attention to the improvement of corporate safety culture, and strengthen the establishment of corporate culture according to the features of the company itself, so as to improve the core competence of the corporate. Establishment of Railway corporate culture is the basis to ensure the railway safety. This paper studies the theory of corporate safety culture and comprehensive evaluation methods and use the method of analytic hierarchy process to build the index contains 22 of the Railway Safety Culture Index system. Then, design the railway corporate culture evaluating model, and analyze the evaluation result, pointing out the weaknesses of railway corporate safety culture. At last, use the model to evaluate the corporate safety culture of Xuzhou railway operation section, and give some suggestions for the improvement of its safety culture establishment. KEYWORDS: safety culture; the construction of the railway safety culture;evaluation index system; evaluation model;


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