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PAGE  PAGE 57 基于web的在线考试管理系统 学生姓名:罗光文 学号:V200841025 专业:08计算机网络 指导老师:肖国强 摘要 随着教育信息化的发展,在线考试系统作为一种新型的考核手段和考试方式,在实际教学中得到了广泛的应用,并成为当前计算机信息系统研究与应用的热点领域。本考试系统在综合分析了当前考试系统研究成果的基础上,采用B/S和C/S两种结构相结合的模式开发,利用IE浏览器作为界面设计,使用户可利用浏览器直接访问本平台,完成考试和测评。.NET技术和SQL数据库以及其他网络程序设计开发平台为本系统主要开发技术,本论文对在线考试系统的最重要功能,包括用户登录、身份验证、新用户注册、教师学生信息管理、在线考试、管理员登录及管理等模块,以减轻教师的工作负担、提高工作效率和考试质量为设计目标进行了较深入的研究与分析。 本论文研究的重点在于考试系统的随机组卷策略,由于考核对象的不同,要求试卷内容也不一样,运用随机组卷策略才能解决这个问题。本文重点研究遗传组卷算法,分析了遗传算法的基本理论,对随机组卷问题进行了比较详细的阐述, 形成了本考试系统随机组卷的数学模型,并在此基础上给出了算法的实现原理和 代码描述。 关键词:在线考试系统;B/S模式;.NET;组卷;遗传算法 Abstract With the development of the education,Test—online becomes a new way of the examination,which iS used more and more widely at the education and becomes the hotspot of research.This system is designed by using the B/S and the C/S,and we use the IE browser as the interface.The user can access this system by the IE browser to test or study.The main technique of this system is.Net and Database,SQL and other program operating platform of the network.In this dissertation,an important part of the Test-onling function is studyed and designed,including the login,identity validation,new user accreditation,administration the student and teacher’Sinformation,test—online etc,in order to work with no—paper and ease the teachers and elevate the efficiency of the test. In the process of the study of the test system,test paper composition is analysed.Becasue of the difference of the students,the test paper must be different,SO we have to improve the test paper composition policy to resolve this problem.The genetic algotithm is mainly studyed in this dissertation.We analyse the basic theory of the genetic algotithm,and make the module of the test paper coposition.According to this we carry out the way of the test paper composition,which iS used in this system.The code of this arithmetic iS given at the end of the dissertation. Keywords:Test—online system;Browser/Server;.NET;test paper composition;genetic algorithm 第1章绪论 1.1在线考试


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