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本科毕业设计(论文) 基于.NET技术的计算机实验教学中心管理系统的开发 摘要 本系统为常熟理工计算机学院的计算机实验教学示范中心Web管理系统,该系统主要包括新闻、资料管理系统、申报材料的管理、基础数据管理、实验教学管理、开放实验管理等模块,我在本次毕业设计中主要承担基础数据管理、开放实验、实验教学管理模块的开发任务。 1、基础数据管理:包括院系信息、专业信息、班级信息、实验中心、实验分室、实验室、学年学期、教师和学生等基础数据的管理功能。 2、实验教学管理:包括实验教学管理包括实验课程,实验项目,实验类型等信息的管理和维护。 3、开放实验管理:包括实验的申请、实验审核、实验预约、实验数据填报和实验信息查询等功能。 本系统用ASP.NET开发,使用现在流行的B/S模式实现,以使用户在网络环境中轻松工作,同时使系统的管理更加方便。 关键词:ASP.NET SQL Server B/S 开放实验 实验教学 Based on .NET technology Computer Laboratory Center Management System Abstract The system of Computer Science, Changshu Institute of Technology Computer Experimental Teaching Center Web management system, which includes news, information management systems, application materials management, basic data management experimental teaching management, test management module open, and I graduated in this design is mainly responsible for basic data management, laboratory, experimental teaching module development tasks. 1. Basic data management: including the departments of information, professional information, class information, test center, were divided rooms, laboratories, academic semester, teachers and students, and other basic data management functions. 2. Experimental teaching management: including the experimental teaching program management, including experiments, pilot projects, experimental type of information management and maintenance. 3. Open test management: including the trial applications, experimental examination, laboratory appointment, reported the experimental data and experimental information etc. The system developed with ASP.NET, using the now popular B / S mode of implementation, in order to allow users to easily work in a network environment, while the system of management more convenient. Keywords:ASP.NET;SQL Server;B / S;open experiment;experimental teaching 目录 1 引言 1 1.1 课题研究的背景与意义 1 1.2 课题的内容简介 2 1.3 本课题所做的工作 2 2 开发环境及工具 3 2.1 开发模式 3 2.2 系统运行架构 3 2.3 系统的层次结构 3 2.4 硬件与网络平台 4 3 系统的分析和设计 6 3.1 系统可行性分析 6 3.2 需求分析 7 3.2.1 业务流


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