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摘 要
随着计算机技术的发展及计算机的日益普及,基于B/S结构的考试系统与无纸化办公一样已成为大势所趋。论文详细论述了一个基于B/S结构的计算机等级考试系统的设计过程。软件采用ASP.NET 2005作开发平台,C#作编程语言,SQL Server 2005作数据库管理系统,实现了试题管理、试卷生成、在线考试、试卷评判、权限管理、在线报名及站内公告等功能。系统符合全国计算机等级考试的要求。
关键词: B/S结构;计算机等级考试;考试系统
The Design and Implementation of Computer Rank Examination System based on B/S
With the development of the computer technology and the popularization of computers, the examination system based on B/S structure has become the trend of the times the same as the paperless office. The paper discusses in detail the development and design process of a computer rank examination system based on B/S structure. It uses ASP.NET 2005 as the development platform, C# as the programming language, SQL Server 2005 as the database management system, and includes test questions management, examination paper production, online examinations, examination paper judgment, authority management, online enrollment and site notice, etc.. It can accord with the requirement of the national computer rank examination.
The paper is organized as following: Firstly, analyzes the background and significance; Secondly, introduces the development tools and the foundation of the technology; Thirdly, analyses the demand of the system, gives a specific design project and a database model; Then shows the implementation of the whole system, which includes the design and linkage of the database and the implementation of every module. Finally gives a test of the system.
Key words: B/S structure; Computer rank test; Examination system
目 录
1 引 言 1
2 技术背景 2
2.1 B/S结构 2
2.2 开发工具简介 2
2.2.1 Visual C# 2005简介 2
2.2.2 SQL Sever 2005简介 3
3系统分析 3
3.1需求分析 3
3.1.1系统需要解决的主要问题 3
3.1.2系统应该具备的基本功能 4
3.2可行性分析 4
3.2.1技术可行性分析 4
3.2.2 经济可行性分析 5
3.2.3 社会因素方面的可行性分析 5
4总体设计 5
4.1 基本设计思想及流程图 5
4.2 系统功能结构图 5
4.3 系统架构 6
4.3.1数据访问层 6
4.3.2业务逻辑层 7
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