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中华人民共和国教育部 东北林业大学 毕业设计 论文题目:多伦至丰宁铁路建设项目4标段施工组织设计 学 生: 苟丰年 指导教师: 王 明 教授 学 院: 成人教育学院 专 业: 土木工程 2010年6月 摘 要 设计是项目前期工作的重点,直接影响项目建设的成效和建设资金的效果,必须高度重视。施工组织设计是设计工作中的重要组成部分,直接影响施工中各工序的衔接和总投资的确定,是对实现建设项目的“质量、工期、投资”三控制具有指导意义,是不容忽视的重大问题。 本文就多伦至丰宁铁路建设项目4标段有施工内容进行了详细的设计,主要内容包括总体施工方案的设计,施工队伍、人员、设备的配备,施工用主要材料的供应情况等,另外对重点工程,包括路基、桥梁、隧道分别进行了详细的施工组织设计。其中,在路基处理过程中,对自重湿陷性地基路基采用灰土挤密桩加固。桥梁在基础施工中,对两座特大桥的桩基础均采用钻孔桩施工。对该标段的六间房隧道施工采用“新奥法”的原理组织施工,对其II、III级围岩采用全断面法开挖,IV、V级围岩地段采用台阶法开挖。 本设计相对其他专业的施工组织设计来说,内容还有许多欠缺之处,内容不够完整,施工组织设计编制的有些笼统,一些重要的内容也没有提到,有些临时设施布置的还不是很合理,还需要进一步的加以改正。 关键词: 灰土挤密桩 施工 新奥法 开挖 Abstract Design is the focus of the project preparatory work, building a direct impact on the effectiveness of the project and the effect of the construction funds, we must attach great importance. Construction work of the design is to design an important component of a direct impact on construction the process of convergence and the determination of the total investment is the realization of the construction project quality, period, investment in the three control of guiding significance, should not be overlooked important issues. This article Fengning Duolun to Section 4 of railway construction projects have carried out a detailed content of the design, including the main contents of the overall construction plan of the design and construction teams, personnel, equipment equipped, with the main construction material, such as the supply situation, and On key projects, including the roadbed, bridges, tunnels were carried out a detailed construction design. Among them, the roadbed in the process of self-respect collapsible foundation roadbed using lime-soil compaction pile reinforcement. Construction of the bridge foundation, two of the bridge are used bore


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