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基于H型主电路的直流PWM-M可逆调速系统设计 PAGE 44 PAGE 43 摘 要 当今,自动化控制系统已经在各行各业得到了广泛的应用和发展,而直流调速控制作为电气传动的主流在现代化生产中起着主要作用。本文主要研究直流调速系统,它主要由三部分组成,包括控制部分、功率部分、直流电动机。长期以来,直流电动机因其具有调节转速比较灵活、方法简单、易于大范围内平滑调速、控制性能好等特点,一直在传动领域占有统治地位。 微机技术的快速发展,在控制领域得到广泛应用。本文对基于微机控制的双闭环可逆直流PWM调速系统进行了较深入的研究,从直流调速系统原理出发,逐步建立了双闭环直流PWM调速系统的数学模型,用微机硬件和软件发展的必威体育精装版成果,探讨一个将微机和电力拖动控制相结合的新的控制方法,研究工作在对控制对象全面回顾的基础上,重点对控制部分展开研究,它包括对实现控制所需要的硬件和软件的探讨,控制策略和控制算法的探讨等内容。在硬件方面充分利用微机外设接口丰富,运算速度快的特点,采取软件和硬件相结合的措施,实现对转速、电流双闭环调速系统的控制。 论文分析了系统工作原理和提高调速性能的方法,研究了IGBT模块应用中驱动、吸收、保护控制等关键技术.在微机控制方面,讨论了数字触发、数字测速、数字PWM调制器、双极式H型PWM变换电路、转速与电流控制器的原理,并给出了软、硬件实现方案。 关键词:直流可逆调速,数字触发,PWM,数字控制器 Abstract Today,autocontrol systems have been widely used and deleloped in every Walk of life,while DC speed regulation as the artery in the area of electric drive systems acts the main effect in modernization production.DC speed regulation is mainly made up of control unite,power unite and DC motor.For a long time,DC motor has possessed the main role in the area of electric drive field because of its neatly adjust,easy method and smooth timing in wide rage,also,its control performance is very good. With the rapid development of microcomputer,it is widely used in the control field.This paper reserches reversible DC-PWM timing system with a dual-converter and dual-closed-loop.Beginning with the theory of the DC timing system,this article has build up the maths model of the reversible DC-PWM timing system with a dual-converter and dual-closed-loop,discussing a new control method that combines microcomputer with DC-drive.Based on the overall review of control object,the emphasis is put on the part of control system,which includes the discussion of hardware and software,control policy and algorithm,etc.In the hardware,it fully utilizes the advantage of microcomputer that are abundant interface and fast speed so as to realize the control of the system. This paper analyzes the wor



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