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PAGE  PAGE 62 本科毕业设计说明书 基于交流双馈电机的提升机可逆交-直-交变频调速系统设计 MINE HOIST REVERSIBLE EXCHANGE OF DOUBLY-FED MACHINE AC-DC-AC FREQUENCY CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN 学院(部):电气与信息工程学院 专业班级: 电气05-5 学生姓名: 黄 超 峰 指导教师: 顾军讲师 2009年 6 月 8 日 基于交流双馈电机的提升机可逆交-直-交变频调速系统设计 摘要 本文分析了矿井提升机电力拖动方案的发展历史,根据矿井提升机的工作特性和拖动系统的现状, 提出了将双PWM交-直-交可逆变频变频调速系统运用在矿井提升机上, 研究了其基于双PWM结构的绕线式异步电动机交直交可逆变频调速拖动方案,通过建立三相异步电动机在旋转坐标系下的数学模型,论述了空间矢量脉宽调制技术原理。PWM整流器部分采用电压、电流双闭环矢量控制策略;逆变器部分采用按电机转子磁通定向的矢量控制方法。建立了控制系统模型,并深入分析了其原理。 关键词:矿井提升机,绕线式异步电机,可逆变频调速,矢量控制 安徽理工大学毕业设计(论文) MINE HOIST REVERSIBLE EXCHANGE OF DOUBLY-FED MACHINE AC-DC-AC FREQUENCY CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN Abstract This paper analyzes the power drag mine hoist the history of the development program, according to the work of mine hoist drive system features and the status quo, will be made to pay double PWM inverter has a reversible cross-Frequency Control System used in the mine hoist,Study of its structure based on dual PWM induction motor winding AC-DC-AC Frequency Control reversible drag the program, through the establishment of three-phase asynchronous motor in the rotating coordinate system of the mathematical model, discusses the space vector pulse width modulation technique. Part of the use of PWM rectifier voltage and current double closed-loop vector control strategies; inverter part of the introduction of rotor flux-oriented vector control method. Established a control system model, and its principle-depth analysis. This article first discusses the inverter and the inverters basic working principle and the corresponding vector control theory, and then mine hoist and then combined with a pay settlement has been reversible Frequency specific requirements, respectively, on the three-phase PWM rectifier and inverter for main circuit parameters and select Compone


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