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合肥学院 2009届 毕 业 设 计(论文) 设计(论文)题目 基于B/S的全数字化体检管理系 统的设计和实现 院系名称 计算机科学与技术系 专业(班级) 计算机科学与技术 2005级本科1班 姓名(学号) 张欢(0510101040) 指导教师 马婷婷 系负责人 袁 暋 二O O九年五月二十日 摘 要 进入 21 世纪,随着科学技术的迅速发展,计算机作为实现现代化管理的重要手段和工具,正向着网络化和智能化方向发展,其应用范围越来越广泛,其在教学、科研和管理等领域正发挥着越来越重要的作用。如今,在很多医院内,计算机软件和网络系统己经成为体检信息管理的重要工具。 本体检信息管理系统开发主要包括前台界面的设计以及后台数据库的建立维护开发两个方面经过对课题的调研以及可行性分析B/S结构设计方案,基于Web MVC模式的开发思想,采用当前流行的SSH框架即Struts+Spring+Hibernate的支持。 本论文介绍了系统的开发背景、需求分析、系统设计、数据库设计,重点介绍体检用户交互页面、前台工作医生子系统、体检医生子系统和管理员子系统界面设计与功能设计。用户交互页面子系统完成预约和查询体检结果,前台工作医生子系统完成体检用户的登记录入和打印体检报告单,体检医生子系统完成体检结果录入和分析等功能,管理员子系统完成系统基础数据管理功能。 关键词:体检管理系统, Struts, Hibernate, MVC, B/S Abstract With the rapid development of science and technology in the 21st century, the computer as an important means of modern management is developing toward the direction of the network and intelligence. And it has increasingly wide range of applications and it is playing an increasingly important role in teaching, research and management and so on. Today, computer software and network systems have become very important tools of medical information management in many hospitals. This system of medical information management includes prospects interface design and back-end databases. After the issue of the feasibility study and analysis, system design applies Eclipse as a development environment, html and JSP as a development tool, B / S-based design, development thinking of MVC model, Struts + Spring + Hibernate framework which is very prevalent at present to support the bottom. This paper introduces the development background, needs analysis, system design, database design, and the focus on the page of user interaction, design of functions and interface of the reception doctor subsystems, medical doctors and administrator subsystem. The page of user interaction subsystem fulfils booking and querying the results of medical examinations. The reception doctor subsystem accomplishes us


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