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PAGE  漳州师范学院 毕业论文(设计) 基于ASP.NET的博客网站 BLOG WEBSITE BASED ON ASP.NET 姓 名: 何银生 学 号: 100803126 系 别: 计算机科学与工程系 专 业: 计算机科学与技术 年 级: 2010年(高职本) 指导教师: 林宣治 2011年11月15日  PAGE I 摘要 随着Internet的广泛应用,动态网页技术也应运而生。本文介绍了应用ASP.NET动态网页技术开发博客网站的设计与实现。博客网站主要为用户提供发表文章、浏览文章等功能,用户通过Internet可以发表一些自己撰写的文章以和其他网友进行交流。博客网站主要实现了文章管理的数字化、信息化、智能化。 本网站的开发设计实现采用ASP.NET技术,网站后台使用Microsoft的SQL2005数据库,并通过使用ADO.NET技术访问。 本文对博客网站进行整体分析,明确了网站的可行性和用户需求;根据模块化原理,规划设计了网站功能模块;在数据库设计部分,详细说明了网站数据库的结构和数据库的完整性、安全性措施;程序设计则采用面向对象的程序设计思想,提出网站的程序设计思路,对前台与后台功能的程序实现进行了详细论述。最后,对网站作以客观、全面的评价,并对进一步改进提出了建议。 关键词:博客; 数据管理系统; ASP.NET程序设计 Abstract With the extensive application of the Internet, dynamic web technology has emerged. This text describes the application of ASP.NET dynamic web technology and development the blog website. Blog website is mainly to provide users with published articles, browse articles, and other functions,Users can express themselves by some articles and with other netizens to conduct exchanges. Blog website of the main article on the digital management, information, intelligence, is to break the way of Released an article by traditional newspapers and magazine published ,it makes a new way to try. The website is designed by ASP.NET technology, backstage adoption SQL 2005 database,and use the ADO.NET technology to visit. In this paper,it analysis the blog website by feasibility and the demand of the user. Under the modular theory, planning and design of the website functional modules; In the database design, a detailed description of the database structure and database integrity, security measures; Programming is used object-oriented programming design, website design ideas, background for the future and function of the program in detail. Finally, the website in an objective, comprehensive evaluation, as well as further improvements made. Keywords: blog; database management system; ASP.NET; 目录  TO


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