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毕业设计论文 杨圣洁 070910089 学 院 计算机与电子工程电子信息工程 电信001班 滕召胜 教授 湖 南 商 学 院 20年月 内容摘要 食品安全是社会广泛关注的敏感问题,与消费者权益密切相关。本文针对当前影响较大的肉类食品瘦肉精残留问题,研究了现有瘦肉精检测技术及其不足,提出了一种基于数字图像处理与多元信息融合的瘦肉精快速检测方法,详细论述了计算机视觉技术在瘦肉精快速检测中的应用。 其次,本文介绍基于数字图像处理与多元信息融合的瘦肉精快速检测系统的构成与工作原理,给出系统数字图像采集部分的硬件选择与图片文件格式选择 在附录中,本文还将给出一些重要的程序设计,供参考之用。 关键词 瘦肉精快速测定;计算机视觉;肌肉颜色;脂肪厚度 ABSTRACT Food security is a sensitive issue with the social widespread attention, and it has close correlation with consumer rights and interests. In this paper the issue of remnant of clenbuteral in meat food is discussed, the existing techniques for rapid clenbuteral detection and their insufficiency are studied, then a kind of method based on digital image processing and many entity information fusion is proposed. In detail the application for the computer vision technique in rapid clenbuteral detection is elaborated, and it is produced how to gain, process, recognize and descript the characteristic parameters on muscle color, fat thickness. The full text is divided into four parts. At first the significance for clenbuteral detection and the existing methods, principles as well as their deficiencies are elaborated, then the necessity and feasibility on rapid clenbuteral detection based on digital image processing and many entity information fusion are drawed out. Secondly, the constitution and principle of this rapid clenbuteral detection system based on digital image processing and many entity information fusion are introduced, then it is produced how to choose the hardware and the picture document format for this digital image gathering system, the key techniques are also discussed. Next, one of the key techniques, the application of computer vision technique for rapid clenbuteral detection is researched into, the ways on muscle color determination and fat thickness detection are laid particular emphasis. Finally, the innovation and insufficiency of this paper are summarized, the following research work of this project is introdu



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