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皮带机液压自动张紧装置结构和液压系统设计 黄东东 (安徽理工大学 机械工程系03级机设7班 淮南 232001) 摘 要:设计一种用于带式输送机的液压自动张紧装置,分析了其他张紧装置的优缺点的同时,认为此种液压自动张紧装置具有工作较平稳、对空间要求低、性能可靠等优点,是一种较先进、较完善、适合于大型带式输送机的张紧装置。根据要求,本文分三部分(张紧装置的总体结构设计、张紧装置的液压系统设计与计算、张紧油缸的设计与计算)对此种液压自动张紧装置进行了分析;同时,利用绘图软件Auto CAD2004绘制了结构布置图、系统原理图、零件图及装配图等。 关键词:皮带机;自动张紧装置;液压系统;张紧液压缸;慢速绞车 中图分类号: TD528 文献标识码:A The structure of the hydraulic auto tense equipment with strap conveyor (Oil Jar Impelling) the Designing Of Its Hydraulic system Liu Wei Class 7 Grade 4 Department of mechanical Engineering Anhui university of science and Technology Huainan ,232001 ,China Abstract: This thesis is introducing the hydraulic auto tense equipment used in strap conveyor. After analyzing the advantages and the disadvantages of other tense equipments, I hold the view that this hydraulic auto tense equipment has a good quality of working consistently, requiring less room, and qualifying reliability,so as to be a more advanced, more reformed type of tense equipment, more suitable for full-length strap conveyor. As it is required,the thesis could be divided into four main parts (the designing of the main structure of the tense equipment, the designing and calculating of the hydraulic system for the tense equipment, of the tense oil jar ,and of the slow winch) to design the hydraulic auto tense equipment; Meanwhile ,graph-software including Auto CAD 2004 are used to draw out the structure arrangement, the principle of the whole system, the work pieces and the assemble. Keywords: strap conveyor; auto tense equipment; hydraulic system; oil jar ; slow winch 第1章 概 述 1.1 带式输送机简述 带式输送机,又称胶带输送机,现场俗称“皮带”。它是冶金、电力和化工等工矿企业常见的连续动作式运输设备之一,尤其在煤炭工业中,使用更为广泛。在煤矿上,带式输送机主要用于采区顺槽、采区上(下)山、主要运输平巷及斜井,较常用于地面生产和选煤厂中。 1.1.1带式输送机的工作原理 带式输送机的结构示意图如图1-1所示,输送带绕经驱动滚筒①和机尾换向滚筒⑤形成无机闭合带。上下两股输送带是由安装在机架上的托辊③支承着。拉紧装置的作用是给输送带正常运转所需要的张紧力。工作时,驱动滚筒通过它与输送带之间的摩擦力驱动输送带运行。货载装载输送带上并与其一起运行。带式输送机一般是利用上分支输送带输送货载的,并且在端部卸载。利用专门的卸载装置也可在中间卸载。 1.1.2带式输送机的构成及特点 1.带式输送机的构成 带式输送机主要由输送带、驱动装置、托


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