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HUNAN UNIVERSITY 毕业设计(论文) 设计(论文)题目: 基于J2EE的考勤 管理系统 学生姓名: 李强 学生学号: 20041610314 专业班级: 软件学院2004级02班 指导老师: 陆绍飞 系主任(院长): 林亚平 2008 年 5 月 28 日 基于J2EE的考勤管理系统 摘 要 近些年来,随着社会的发展和科技的进步,人们的工作与生活也越来越离不开计算机,对于各大企业来说就更是如此了。在各个企业中,企业员工的考勤工作不仅工作量大,而且时效性强。过去,企业多采用签到和报表的形式进行管理,效率和透明度较差,并且也容易出错;随着数据库技术的发展和企业信息化建设的进行,使用计算机管理企业考勤工作也成为大势所趋,它为企业的考勤工作节约了大量的人力和物力,也大大减轻了考勤工作人员的工作量。 本文以“基于J2EE的考勤管理系统”的设计和开发为例,系统地阐述了考勤系统的设计开发的全过程。包括系统整体设计,逻辑框架与数据流程,各个功能模块划分,系统功能模块的设计与具体实现等部分。 该系统主要包括考勤信息的管理、信息查询、员工工资、考勤信息依据相应权限的修改、基于员工考勤信息的分析与评价等。能有效的监督员工,促进员工的积极性。 关键词:考勤系统;考勤管理;J2EE Based on J2EE Attendance Management System Abstract Recently, along with development of social and advancement of technology, human’s work and life can’t leave the computer. Many corporations are the same as it. In the corporations, employees’ job of check on work attendance not only workload is very large, but also time is very strong. In the past many corporations carry through managing by signing in and reporting forms, efficiency and diaphaneity are not good, and easy make a mistake, too. Along with development of database technology and progress of corporation information’s building, using computer to manage check on work attendance of corporations which it is necessary. It saves a mass of manpower and material resources and greatly lightens workload of employees. The papers that it used design and exploiture as case which expounded the whole process of design and exploiture of the check on work attendance system. It included the whole design of system, logic frame, data flow, partition of every function module, design of system function modules and concrete realization and so on . The system includes attendance information management, information, staff wages, attendance information based on the competence of corresponding changes to the information on staff attendance, such as analysis and evaluation. Can be an effective supervisory staff


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