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Fuzzy PID temperature control system with real intelligence and flexibility, more and more temperature control systems are designed based on fuzzy PID algorithm.With the control object becomes complicated, using conventional PID temperature control accuracy and robustness of the lower.When the control object is a complex situation, conventional PID temperature controller is no longer applied, in order to improve the control performance of complex systems, to use the fuzzy PID temperature controller.A way to PID control and fuzzy control of simplicity, flexibility, and robustness of the integration, we constructed a fuzzy PID temperature controller.
This design presents a fuzzy-based PID temperature control system to AT89C51 SCM,made the following main areas of work:first introduce the theory of fuzzy PID control,second for the hardware design and hardware design,and finally to the system software design and simulation.
Keywords: Fuzzy PID; AT89C51 SCM; temperature control; simulation
目 录
第一章 1
1.1选题背景及其意义 1
1.2概述 1
1.3温度测控技术的发展与现状 1
1.3.1定值开关控温法 2
1.3.2PID线性控温法 2
1.3.3智能温度控制法 2
第二章 模糊PID控制理论 4
2.1PID控制器 4
2.1.1PID控制的发展 4
2.1.2PID控制理论 4
2.1.3PID控制算法 5
2.2模糊控制原理 7
2.2.1模糊控制系统的基本概念 7
2.2.2模糊控制系统的组成 7
2.2.3模糊控制的基本原理 8
2.3模糊PID复合控制算法 9
2.3.1模糊PID复合算法 9
2.3.2模糊PID算法运用 10
第三章 模糊PID温度控制系统硬件设计 13
3.1系统硬件电路构成 13
3.2系统设计原则及系统总电路图 13
3.2.1系统设计原则 13
3.2.2系统总电路图 14
3.3 单片机的选择 14
3.4温度传感器的选择 18
3.4.1DS18B20简介 18
3.4.2DS18B20的性能特点 19
3.4.3DS18B20的管脚排列 19
3.4.4DS18B20的内部结构 20
3.4.5DS18B20的测温原理 20
3.5数码管输出 21
3.6键盘接口电路 22
3.7蜂鸣电路 23
3.8外部存储模块 23
3.9电机驱动模块 23
第四章 系统软件设计 25
4.1主程序模块 25
4.2温度传感器DS18B20模块 25
4.3LED显示模块 27
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