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分类号: 学校代码:10079 密级:
华 北 电 力 大 学
硕 士 学 位 论 文
题 目:基于DEA的我国区域能源消费可持续发展能力研究
英 文 题 目:Based on DEA regional energy consumption of China capacity for sustainable development research
摘 要
对此,本文主要研究了两个问题。一是根据可持续发展的理论,把资源、环境、经济、人口四个子系统全面考虑,得出能源消费可持续发展的指标体系。二是以我国30个省市为例,通过DEA中的CCR、BCC、SBM和Super-SBM模型以及Window Analysis分析方法,从横向纵向分析各省市的技术效率、纯技术效率和规模效率。根据前面分析的结果,最后本文针对能源消费可持续发展提出结论和建议。
关键词:区域能源消费,可持续发展,SBM,Window analysis
Energy is important basic natural resource of human existence, economic development, and society process. It’s important strategic material, which is related to economic lifeline and safety of a country. It is also the important basis of sustainable development of society economy. It plays an important role in the structure of modernization. However, at the stage of Chinas energy consumption, in a sense, which is unsustainable, mainly in two aspects. Firstly, energy reserves are not unlimited. Secondly, in the process of energy consumption, which pollutes the environmental has led to energy consumption is not sustainable to the whole community.
This paper mainly researches energy sustainable development from two aspects. Firstly, combing the theory of sustainable development and resources, environment, economy, population, this paper has put forward energy consumption indicators of sustainable development. Secondly, taking Chinas 30 provinces and cities for example, utilizing the model of DEA, such as CCR, BCC, SBM Super-SBM and the Window Analysis, to analysis the technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency of the various provinces and cities from longitudinal and horizontal. At last, according to the analysis outcome some conclusions and suggestions have been proposed.
Yang Hongsong (Technology Economics and Management)
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