《管理学》课件英文版Chapter 16 MOTIVATING EMPLOYEES.ppt

《管理学》课件英文版Chapter 16 MOTIVATING EMPLOYEES.ppt

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16- 纵向工作加荷(job loading)的原则 《再论如何激励员工》(1968) 使职工非常满意的因素(共有1753个具体事例) 在所有促进工作满意的因素中,81%是激励因素。 使职工非常不满意的因素(共有1844个具体事例) 在所有导致员工工作部满意的因素中,69%属保健因素。 工作与人性(1966) Work and the Nature of Man 保健和激励需要追求者的特点 保健和激励需要追求者的特点 心理调节的几种类型 积极向上心理健康 自我实现但伴随对生活回报的不满 无征兆调节 主要针对保健因素的调节 强调节 心理缺陷者的调节 近似于修道士的调节 行为塑造shaping behavior (罗宾斯p408) 积极强化: 消极强化:“如果你准点上班就不会被扣工资” 惩罚:“员工因为频繁迟到而被罚停薪两天。” 忽视: Designing Motivating Jobs (cont.) JCM (cont.) core characteristics (cont.) autonomy - degree to which job provides substantial freedom, independence, and discretion in performing the work give employee a feeling of personal responsibility feedback - degree to which carrying out the job results in receiving clear information about the effectiveness with which it has been performed employee knows how effectively s/he is performing Contemporary Theories Of Motivation (cont.) ? Prentice Hall, 2002 16-* Job Characteristics Model Core Job Dimensions Skill Variety Task Identity Task Significance Autonomy Feedback Experienced meaningfulness of the work Experienced responsibility for outcomes of work Knowledge of the actual results of the work Critical Psychological States High Internal Work Motivation High-Quality Work Performance High Satisfaction with the Work Low Absenteeism and Turnover Personal and Work Outcomes Strength of Employee Growth Need ? Prentice Hall, 2002 16-* Contemporary Theories Of Motivation (cont.) Designing Motivating Jobs (cont.) JCM (cont.) links between core characteristics and outcomes are moderated by the strength of the individual’s growth need growth need - person’s desire for self-esteem and self-actualization model offers specific guidance for job design ? Prentice Hall, 2002 16-* Guidelines For Job Redesign Core Job Dimensions Suggested Actions Opening Feedback Channels Combining Tasks Task Identity Skill Variety Forming Natural Work Units Task Significance Load Vertically Autonomy Forming Natural Work Units Feedback ?


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