毕业设计:基于8051 的智能变送器设计(定稿).doc

毕业设计:基于8051 的智能变送器设计(定稿).doc

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毕业设计报告(论文) 题目:基于8051 的智能变送器设计 所 属 系 电子工程系 专 业 自 动 化 学 号 姓  名 支理想 指导教师 卢新彪 起讫日期 2010.2 ----- 2010.5 设计地点 东南大学成贤学院 设计报告(论文)诚信承诺 本人承诺所呈交的毕业设计报告(论文)及取得的成果是在导师指导下完成,引用他人成果的部分均已列出参考文献。如论文涉及任何知识产权纠纷,本人将承担一切责任。 学生签名: 日  期: 基于8051 的智能变送器设计 摘 要 随着自动化技术的发展和微电子技术的进步以及数控技术在生产过程中的应用越来越广泛对现场信号的采集、传输和数据处理提出更高的要求本文分析了智能变送器的作用和工作原理针对应用中使用的不同的传感器输出不同幅值的弱直流电信号的要求设计了智能变送器系统DS18B20采集现场温度,用LED显示现场温度。系统软件采用语言模块化程序设计方法,设计了仪表主程序、、With the development of automation technology , micro electronics technology, and digital control technology being widely used in the production process, the collection, transition and the treatment of the industry filed signal should meet higher requirements.This thesis analyzes function and operation principle of intelligent transducer.The transducer is designed chiefly for different weak output signal of non-standard sensors.And focused on hardware and software implementations, the system output signal range of the sensor through the A / D chip PCF8591 convert the collected signals to the microcontroller, after a single chip data processing, and transmitted to the LED digital tube display. The system uses 8051 as the core processor configuration to other components, the use of adjustable rheostat as analog input, 4-20 mA with LED display and temperature sensor DS18B20 acquiring the use of temperature, with LED display on-site temperature. System software uses C programming language, modular programming methods, design of the instrument the main program, ADC transition program, DAC transition program and the digital display program. Independent watch-dog circuit is built into the system and improves the reliability of the system to achieve the requirements of intelligent transducer. Keywords: Single chip; Intelligent Transducer; LED display; A/D converter 目录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 智能变送器的简介 1 1.2 智能变送器应用领域的介绍 1 1.3 面前国



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