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海关归类工作人力资源绩效考评体系的研究 中文摘要   公共部门人力资源绩效考核与评估是提高公共组织管理效率的重要手段,它对公共部门人力资源管理起着十分重要的作用。在海关归类人力资源管理工作中,构建一个合理、有效的绩效考评体系,对于海关归类人员素质的增强和工作效率的提高都是十分必要和关键的。   本文通过概述了海关归类在海关工作中的重要性,从海关归类的历史发展和未来前景出发,结合国内及国外海关归类人力资源绩效考评体系的现状,发现海关归类人力资源绩效考评中还存在考评标准粗糙、考评方法形式单一、缺乏对考评结果的反馈和运用等一系列存在的问题,因此要有效地对海关归类人力资源进行管理必须建立一个有效、公平、可靠的人力资源绩效考评体系。针对所发现的问题,本文对人力资源绩效考评的概念、类型及作用进行了介绍,对人力资源绩效考评理论基???进行了回顾和分析,提出对人力资源考评体系的设计原则及海关归类人力资源绩效考评的基本方法,并运用模糊数学综合评判法构建一个海关归类人力资源绩效考评新体系。   通过使用一定的技术手段和合适的测评工具,构建行之有效的海关归类人力资源绩效考评体系,对于海关归类人员进行绩效考评,提高归类工作效率,实现海关长期可持续发展具有积极的指导意义。   关键词:海关归类 人力资源绩效 考评体系      Abstract   Performance assessment of human resources in the public sectors is a vital way to improve the efficiency of public sector organization. It plays a great role in the improvement of human resources in the public sectors. The construction of performance assessment system for a logical and effective way is very important to improve the diathesis of customs classification and advance work efficiency in the management of human resources.   This paper summarized the importance of customs classification in China customs. Based on the historical development and intending foreground of customs classification, it is founded some problem in performance assessment of human resources in customs classification including the inestimable standard of evaluation, simplex evaluation means and absence of results feedback. Thus, it must constitute a available and fair performance assessment of human resources in customs classification. For these questions, the article reviewed and analyzed performance assessment of human resources theory and function and come out the elementary means of performance assessment of human resources and managed the misty math evaluation means to design a new system of performance assessment of human resources for customs classification.   This paper aims to provide a theoretical foundation for customs classification to better select and use qualified system of performance assessment of human res


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