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汽车与环保 摘要 随着社会的迅速发展,环境污染越来越威胁到人类身体健康。近几年汽车工业迅速发展,欧美国家早就开始重视汽车排放带来的危害。汽车尾气中含有硫、铅、一氧化氮、二氧化氮等有害物质!这些物质不但对人体造成危害而且是组成酸雨的主要成分。尤其是在城市中车水马龙,马路上乌烟瘴气如果对此不加重视在不久的将来可能对地球造成灾难性的破坏!我们不希望看到到处是背酸雨洗劫过的场面,为了我们的地球为了子孙后代,也为了我们自己,我们必须爱护我们周围的环境。控制器车污染迫在眉睫!这需要全球人的共同努力!我们的汽车工业刚刚起步,要向欧美学习,从头作起!我相信进过我们的努力,不论什么时候无论在哪里我们都能呼吸到新鲜的空气! 最近国家质量技术监督局组织了对未安装三元催化转化器的普通轿车和安装了闭环电控汽油喷射、三元催化转化器的新型轿车的排放指标监督抽查。抽查显示,若按将在2000年执行的新的排放标准看,有相当比例的汽车排放会不合格。 这次抽查的16个轿车产品中有6个产品是采用了闭环电控汽油喷射和三元催化转化器技术的新型轿车,其中桑塔纳2000、捷达、别克3个车型的有害气体排放量远低于现行国家标准规定的限值。 我国一些轿车生产企业生产的主导车型还是采用化油器式发动机,根本不可能达到新的排放标准要求,而且部分生产企业尚不具备工况法排放测试设备。这些现象反映出我国轿车排放控制技术水平总体上还比较落后,需要进一步督促企业采取措施,更新技术,以降低有害气体排放。 关键词:汽车,环护, 污染, 绿色环护,欧洲Ⅲ标准 Abstract Along with the social quick development, the pollution of the environment threatens more and more mankind healthy body.In the last few years car industry quick development, Europe and America the nation starts early the car that value the bane exhausts to bring.It imply the sulphur, lead in the car tail spirit, While oxidizing nitrogen, two oxidize the harmful material in etc. in nitrogen!These materialses is not only result in the bane to the human body but also main composition to constitute the acid rain.Is in city filled with cars particularly, on the street foul air if do not aggravate to see to this to result in the disaster breakage to the Earth in the near future and probably!We do not hope to see the place to place is a condition to carry on the back acid rain sacked, for the sake of our the Earth for the sake of descendant posterity, and also for the sake of our oneself, we must take good care of we circumferential environment.Controller car pollution of the utmost urgency!This need the world persons joint effort!Our car industry just start, want to study to Europe and America, makes to rise from the beginning!I believed into our effort, the whatever time is regardless at where we can breathe the fresh air! The recent national quantity technical director bureau organizes to did not install the common car


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