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基于单片机的球类比赛计时计分系统设计 姓名:xxx 学号:200740620249 指导老师:xxx 摘要:单片机广泛应用在电子领域的各个方面,因此想到要把单片机应用在球类比赛当中去,球类比赛主要包括计时和计分两大块,这样就可以应用单片机来控制七段数码管LED来实现这种功能,达到预期的效果。 本此计时计分系统的设计主要是篮球比赛为例,然后可以拓展到其他球类比赛的各个方面,篮球比赛的计时计分系统主要是以AT89C51单片机为核心元件,利用它内部的计数器T0,通过软件编程来完成比赛的计时,硬件部分除了AT89C51之外,还有7段LED数码管和开关,通过程序控制后显示比分和时间。报警部分采用蜂鸣器为音响器件。该计时计分器具有以下功能:1、计时:赛程时间启/停设置、24s倒计时控制;2、计分:比分加减控制,调整两队的比分;3、报警。且价格低廉、操作简单、携带方便,适合学校单位举办友谊比赛等赛事的计时计分辅助工具。 关键词: 篮球 AT89C51 计时计分系统 中图分类号:TN Based on SCM ball games timing scoring system design Abstract:widely used in the electronic field microcontroller, therefore all aspects of the thought of putting SCM in ball games, ball games among mainly includes timing and scoring two bulks, so it can be used a singleship controlling seven segment digital tube LED to implement this function, achieve the desired effect. The timing of the scoring system is designed as an example, then basketball game could expand to other ball games each aspect, the game of basketball timing scoring system is mainly by AT89C51 components, use it internal counter T0, through software programming to complete game timing, hardware part besides AT89C51 seven sections, but also LED digital tube and switch, through the program control time and that the score. Alarm part adopts for audio devices. Buzzer The timing JiFenQi has the following functions: 1, timing: schedule time rev/stop setting, 24s countdown control; 2, scoring: score to add and subtract control, adjustment two teams score; 3, call the police. And the price is cheap, simple operation, easy to carry, suitable for school held a sports event friendship match unit of auxiliary tool clock scoring. Keywords:basketball AT89C51 Timing scoring system Subdivisision classified number:TN 目录 1. 绪论 3 1.1 引言 3 1.2 选题的背景及意义 3 2. 设计的总体方案 4 2.1 系统构成框图 4 2.2 器件选择 5 2.3 基本功能介绍 5 2.3.1 比赛时间设置 5 2.3.2 赛程时间开始/暂停设置 5 2.3.3比分手动控制刷新 5 2.3.4 24s显示控制 6 2.3.5 计时计分的显示方法 6 2.3.6 计时结束后自动报警 6 3. 硬件部分设计 6 3.1 AT89C51单片机 6 3.1.1 AT89C51功能特性 6 3.2 计时电路设计 7 3.2.1 LED显示器 7


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