毕业设计 电子拍卖系统的设计与实现.doc

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毕业设计(论文) 题 目 电子拍卖系统的设计与实现 学生姓名 程 涛 专业班级 机械04-3 所在院系 软件学院       指导教师 王 姣 职 称  副教授  所在单位 大连交通大学软件学院   教研室主任  郑广海 完成日期 2009 年 6 月 23 日 摘 要 本系统采用微软的Windows XP为开发平台,MySQL为后台数据库,JSP为开发工具,最终开发出电子拍卖系统。并从技术和设计实现两方面论述了系统的设计和开发过程。在技术上,深入探讨了电子拍卖系统的工作原理,分析了拍卖过程的总流程。在设计实现上,以拍卖物资管理客户管理卖方拍卖项目管理买方拍卖项目管理卖方拍卖项目管理发布拍卖项目制定拍卖规则买方资质管理拍卖监控买方拍卖项目管理业务项目分配在线质疑在线申请在线竞拍ABSTRACT This system uses Microsofts Windows XP is develops the platform, MySQL is the backstage database, JSP is the development kit, finally develops the electronic auction system. And from a technical and design aspects to achieve both the design and development process. Technically, in-depth exploration into the work of the electronic auction system theory, an analysis of the overall process of the auction process. In the design to achieve in order to auction materials management, customer management, project management auction seller, the buyer auction management and other major projects to achieve its function modules. Customer management module main function is to delete the bad record of the existence of the user account can be removed at any time to upload low-quality products, the database can add and delete the data, the user can set up permissions. Project management functions of the auction the seller is released auction items, the development of auction rules, the buyer qualified management, monitoring the auction. Buyers auction business project management function is the allocation of items, online query, online applications, online auction. The auction system to other system design and development be learned, and its operation will have a certain degree of economic interests. The main contents of this paper, including system overview, system requirements analysis, system design, database design, system design and implementation of a detailed, six areas of system testing, Detail the whole process of the electro


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