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摘 要 当前,中小企业间的竞争日益剧烈,如何在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地,有效管理人力资源成为每个企业获取竞争优势、取得成功的重要法宝。而绩效考核作为人力资源管理的核心,其建立的有效性决定了人力资源管理的有效性。作为一种反馈机制,它为企业创造了员工之间沟通和交流的机会。随着经济社会的发展,各类企业对员工的绩效考核越来越重视,但真正通过绩效考核达到预期目的的企业较少,绩效考核存在不少的问题。近年来,我国中小民营企业发展迅速,为社会稳定、经济发展做出了不可忽视的贡献。但中小民营企业在实施绩效管理时的落后性制约了其进一步发展。一些正在发展中的中小型民营企业,虽重视绩效考核工作,但在考核工作中存在的问题还是比较突出。 本文主要通过描述我国中小型民营企业绩效管理的特点和问题进行论述,分析其现状并从企业战略、制度建设和科学方法选择三个方面提出了相关对策。旨在为探索出中小型民营企业绩效管理的发展提供一些帮助。只有合理地解决这些问题,中小企业才会继续保持更好的发展势头。 关键词 中小民营企业 绩效考核 对策 Abstract Nowadays, the competition between small and medium enterprises is increasing fiercely. In order to remain invincible in the fierce competition, effective management of human resources becomes each enterprise’s magic key to get competitive advantage and to success. Performance evaluation play an role as the core of human resource management, its effectiveness decides the effectiveness. As a kind of feedback mechanism, it creates opportunity for employees to communicate with each other. Few enterprise achieves their desired objectives through the enterprise performance assessment. There are many problems in the performance appraisal. Recent years, in China, small and medium-sized private enterprises rapidly developed, making an important contribution to social stability and economic development. However, the backwardness for private enterprises to implementing performance appraisal restricts their further development. Although some developing small and medium-sized private enterprises use performance appraisal, the problems existing in the assessment work are still prominent. This paper describes the characteristics of performance appraisal management and discusses its problems private enterprises, and also analyses its present situation. Present relevant countermeasures according to the enterprises strategy, system construction and scientific selection. Aims to analyse the performance management in small and medium-sized private enterprises, offer some helps to develop it. Only finding the reasonable sol


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