毕业设计 基于proteus的现场总线的控制系统设计论文.doc

毕业设计 基于proteus的现场总线的控制系统设计论文.doc

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摘 要 作为自动化领域的热点之一,现场总线己成为自动化系统与分散的现场设备间信息交换的主要技术。PROFIBUS是国际上应用十分广泛的工业过程现场总线,主要应用于加工自动化、过程自动化、楼宇自动化等领域。 文章从结合所研究的水厂的实际需要出发,将先进的现场总线技术、以太网技术与传统的机械电气技术相结合,并应用到水厂控制系统的实际设计过程中。在电气控制系统的设计过程中,采用了上位机加下位机的设计模式,组建了远程集中控制与现地控制相结合的控制网络。上位机选用功能强大的工控组态软件——组态王和操作方便灵活的触摸屏。下位机则采用可靠性高的可编程控制器和先进的PROFIBUS现场总线完成对现场设备的控制。 关键词:可编程控制器,现场总线,PROFIBUS-DP, 监控系统 The Control System Based on Fieldbus Abstract Nowadays, the technology of Fieldbus has become the hotspot in the research field of automation and become the main method of communication and exchange of information in the DCS systems. And the Profibus is a kind of Fieldbus broadly used in many situations of process control of industry such as automation of processing, automation of machining and automation of building. According to the actuality of the studied water station, the thesis combine the advanced Fieldbus technique, Ethernet and the traditional machine and electric technique together, and use them to design the supervise controlling system of the water station. During the designing of the electricity control system, the thesis used the mode that made up of monitor system and control system, formatted a network that is combined by far concentrates control system and nearly control system. The monitor system chooses the functional monitoring software—the king monitor and the man-machine interface, which operated conveniently. And the control system chooses dependably programmable logic controller and advance Profibus Fieldbus to completely control the spot equipments. Keyword:PLC, Fieldbus, PROFIBUS-DP, Supervise Controlling System 目 录 1 概论 1.1 现场总线的产生与发展 控制论的创始人Norbet Wiener说,“如果一门科学是真正具有生命力的,它的引人兴趣的中心就必须而且应该随着岁月而转移。”自动控制技术的历史,就是从简单形式到复杂形式,从局部自动化到全局自动化,从低级智能化到高级智能化的发展过程。 现场总线控制系统是在自动检测控制技术和计算机网络技术飞速发展的推动下形成的,它是现代计算机技术和通信技术和检测控制技术的集成,人们称之为3C(Computer Communication Control)技术。 现场总吸纳控制系统(FCS, Fieldbus Control System)是继基地式气动仪表控制系统、电动单元组合式模拟仪表控制系统、数字计算机集中控制系统和集散式控制系统(DCS,Distributed Control SystemFCS是信息数字化、控制功能分散化、开放式可互操作的工业自


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