毕业设计 基于局域网的视频聊天室系统的设计与实现.doc

毕业设计 基于局域网的视频聊天室系统的设计与实现.doc

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基于局域网的聊天室系统论文 基于局域网的视频聊天室系统的设计与实现 摘? 要 视频聊天系统作为一种新型的通信和交流工具,突破了地域的限制,可以提供更为便捷、灵活、全面的音、视频信息的传递和服务,具有极其广泛的发展前景。 本文介绍了采用Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0编程开发视频聊天系统的一套比较常用的解决方案。文字聊天采用TCP模式;语音视频聊天采用UDP模式,在客户端之间点对点的进行。在该方案中,通过函数库VFW来实现视频捕获、影像压缩以及影像播放。微软公司提供的专门用于视频捕获开发的工具包VFW,为在Windows操作系统中实现视频捕获提供了标准的接口,从而大大降低了程序的开发难度。在视频传输方面,则通过组建视频帧,将位图形式的视频帧压缩成帧格式的Mpeg4流,传输到客户端后,解压并显示影像。同时,在本方案中,采用了线程来实现语音录制和语音回放,最终实现了通过服务器中转的文字聊天、点对点的语音视频聊天。 关键词:文字聊天;VFW;视频捕获;视频传输;语音录制;语音回放 The Design and Realization of LAN-Based Video Chat Room System Abstract As a new tool about communication, video chatting system has broken through geographical restrictions, has provides more convenient, flexible and complete transmission and service. Furthermore, it has a very bright future. The common solution about how to develop a video chatting system is introduced by the Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0 programming. TCP model is used in the text chatting and UDP for the point-to-point video chats between the Clients. In this plan, Video Capture, Video Compression Manager and DrawDib are realized by the functions of VFW Library. The special kit VFW (Video for Windows) in video capture offered by Microsoft Corporation, has provided a standard interface for video capture in Windows Operating System and thus greatly reduced the hardship of programming. In video transmission aspect, it requires a video frame which is compressed the video frame of bitmap into Mpeg4 steam of frame form. Then it will be decompressed into images since it has been arrived the Client. Meanwhile, the thread is used to achieve audio recording and replaying. Finally, it has realized the text chatting through a server to transit, the point-to-point audio and video chats. Key words: text chatting; VFW; Video Capture; video transmission; audio recording; audio playing ? 目? 录 论文总页数:24页 1?引言?1 1.1?课题背景?1 1.2?国内外研究现状?1 2?理论知识介绍?1 2.1?VFW简介?1 2.2?线程的实现方法?4 3?需求分析?5 3.1?软硬件环境?5 3.2?需求分析?5 4?系统结构?7 4.1?硬件结构?7 4.2?软件结构?7 4.2.1?功能需求?7 4.2.2?系统功能模块图?8 4.3?系统各模块流


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