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温泉实习报告 题 目: 放射性物探方法测量 学生姓名: 陈海燕 学 号: 指导教师: 彭聂老师 专 业: 勘查技术与工程 二零一一年十月 摘 要 红外线、热释电、超声波等已普遍性的运用到人们的日常生活中。红外技术凭借着低功耗、高性能、干扰小等优点而步入人们的生活。然而,红外控制是应用最广泛的一种,红外制导、红外测距、红外加热等依靠着红外在各种不同领域发挥着自己特殊的功能,而红外智能心率计在医疗、生活等享有其独特的作用[1]。因此,了解掌握其工作原理、电路结构是十分需要的。本文设计一种基于红外处理芯片MC3373的红外智能心率计。 本文设计的核心是通过红外发光二极管TNL104产生的红外线照射到人体的指尖或耳垂部位,并用装在该部位另一侧或旁边的光电三极管9013来检测机体组织透明度,再把它转换成电信号,通过MC3373的波形处理以及计数与定时的同步应用,最终实现红外检测人体心率[2]。 关键词:发光二极管;光电三极管; MC3373;心率计 ABSTRACT Infrared, pyroelectric, ultrasonic, etc., have universal applicationed to peoples daily lives.It is already widespread in application in the real life, because of its low-power, high-performance, interference obtained advantages. However, the infrared control is the most widely used one. As we known ,infrared-guided, infrared ranging, infrared heating on the infrared have played in a variety of different fields its own special features, but the Infrared Intelligent heart rated into account,health care, life to enjoy its unique role. Therefore, ,it is essential to understanding the principle of its work, the circuit structure is very much needed. In this paper, it was designed a processing chip MC3373 based on infrared infrared intelligent heart rate meter. This design is the core of TNL104 generated by infrared light-emitting was detecting the body of the fingertip or earlobe site, and mounted on the other side of the site, and nexted to the electro-optical transistor 9013 to detect the body more transparent organization, then it is converted into electrical signals,after that by MC3373 waveform processing and simultaneous counting and timing applications, the eventual realization of infrared detection of human heart rate. Key words:light-emitting diode; optical transistor; MC3373; heart rate meter 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc232187687 绪 论  PAGEREF _Toc232187687 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc232187688 1.1 课题背景及来源  PAGEREF _Toc232187688 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc232187689 1.2 热释电红外报警器


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