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兰州理工大学毕业设计说明书 摘 要 在控制领域中,经常需要进行各种角度、位移量的测量。当前,世界上正面临着一场新的技术革命,这场革命的重要基础之一就是测量技术。测量技术的发展给人类社会和国民经济的各个部门及各个领域带来了巨大的、广泛的、深刻的变化,带动着传统工业和其他新兴产业的更新和变革,是当今人类社会发展的强大动力。 本设计为码盘转速测量系统,用来测量来自外部的不同的转速值。实现转速的实时测量,显示。具体应用AT80C51单片机为核心,旋转编码器实时轴转速测量,同时以八位串行段码式LCD显示模块显示。旋转编码器输出4.25V,8位二进制自然码送入单片机处理经过计算处理,再查表转换为10进制数,送LCD模块显示。 本文从转速测量原理入手,详细阐述了转速测量系统的工作过程,以及硬件电路的设计、显示效果。本文吸收了硬件软件化的思想,实现了题目要求的功能。 关键词:转速测量,旋转编码器,单片机,LCD显示模块 Abstract In the control field, a variety of angles and displacement measurements often need to be carried out. At present, the world is facing a new technological revolution; one of the most important bases of the revolution is measurement. The development of measurement technology brings extensive,tremendous and profound changes to human society and all sectors of the national economy, changes the traditional industries and other emerging industries, becomes todays strongest driving force for development of human society . The encoder speed measurement system is designed to measure a different speed from the outside values,to achieve real-time speed measurement and display. Specific application use AT80C51 microcontroller as its core, rotary encoder measures real-time shaft speed, in both 8 serial Segment type LCD display module display. Rotary encoder output a 4.25V, 8-bit binary natural code into the MCU processed and computed, and then look-up table converts to 10 decimal number, sent to LCD display module. In this paper, detailed working process of speed measurement system is started with principle of speed measurement, and hardware circuit design and display. This paper has absorbed the idea of hardware and software to achieve with the subject required functionality. Key words: rotational speed measurement, rotary encoder, microcontroller, LCD display module 目 录  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc256269310 第一章 绪论  PAGEREF _Toc256269310 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc256269311 1.1国内外转速测量技术简介  PAGEREF _Toc256269311 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc2562


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