毕业设计 基于FPGA设计地铁自动售票系统.doc

毕业设计 基于FPGA设计地铁自动售票系统.doc

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大连海事大学 毕 业 论 文 二○一○年 六 月 基于FPGA设计地铁自动售票系统 专业班级: 电科1班 姓 名: 魏 思 奥 指导教师: 毕 春 娜 信息科学技术学院 内容摘要 本毕业设计是基于FPGA设计一个地铁自动售票系统。近年来,集成电路技术的迅猛发展,特别是可编程逻辑器件的高速发展,电子设计自动化EDA技术成为电子设计工程师的新宠。然而随着城市人口的迅速增加、车辆的增多,世界各地的城市交通变得愈发拥挤,地铁成为城市交通的重要组成部分。随着国民经济的发展,我国的地铁建设也日益成为人们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。作为地铁运营服务的第一道关,改善地铁已逐渐落后于时代步伐的售票系统势在必行。本系统是结合行业管理中实际的地铁售票系统运行过程中的需求过程,经过实际的需求分析,开发出来的地铁自动售票系统。整个系统的设计从符合操作简便快捷、灵活实用、保证稳定安全的要求出发,完成售票管理的基本过程。 本设计采用自顶向下的模块化设计方法,基于FPGA使用VHDL语言设计制作一个地铁自动售票控制系统,该系统能出售2条线路3种不同价位的票,完成售票、找零、显示等功能。通过本设计,正确掌握数字系统的模块划分、并能自如应用硬件描述语言描述各模块功能,以实现系统设计。以VHDL语言和MAX+PLUSII为工具,在ZY11EDA13BE实验系统主板上,实现了地铁自动售票系统。系统划分为几个功能模块,分模块进行分析和设计,系统给出相应的设计原理图和VHDL源程序,通过仿真实现预定的功能。 关键词:FPGA;地铁自动售票系统;EDA;VHDL; MAX+PLUSII;模块;仿真 ABSTRACT The graduation project is based on the FPGA design of a subway ticket system. In recent years, the rapid development of integrated circuit technology, in particular the rapid development of programmable logic devices, electronic design automation EDA technology to become the new darling of electronic design engineers. However, with the rapid urban population increase in the number of vehicles around the world have become increasingly congested urban traffic, Metro became an important part of urban transportation. With the development of national economy, Chinas subway construction has increasingly become an indispensable part of daily life. As a subway service in the first pass, to improve the subway has gradually lagged behind the times ticketing system is necessary. This system is a combination of industry management in the actual subway ticketing system operating in the demand process, after the actual needs analysis, developed the Subway Automatic ticketing system. The overall design is easy to manipulate fast, flexible and practical, to ensure the safety and stability requirements, the completion of the basic process of ticket management. This design uses a top-down modular design method, based on FPGA design using VHDL, a subway ticket control system, which ca


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