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半導體專製廠效單承諾服務建立之研究半導體專製廠效單承諾服務建立之研究 學生:王小美 指導教授:薛大千博士 李小千博士 摘 要 ATP資訊告知在未來的生產計畫中,在每一個時間區段尚可供應新需求之產品數量,可有效的輔助銷售人員作交期回應之規劃。半導體晶圓製造廠由於生產管理工作龐大複雜,ATP資訊難以使用人力完成計算,目前學術文獻。 關鍵詞:ATP、訂單管理、Pacemaker The Construction of An Available-to-Promise Model For Wafer Fab Student : Shu-May Wang Advisor : Dr. Da-Chan Sang Dr. Da-Chan Lee Abstract To model plane strain conditions in the laboratory, the frictional resistance between the soil and side walls of the soil box should be reduced as much as possible. In this dissertation, a new sliding block testing device for measuring the friction at the interface between soil and different materials at low stress conditions is described. Interface friction angles for eight different methods for reducing boundary friction were investigated using the proposed testing method. Test results indicated that the friction angle obtained with the plastic sheet method is nearly independent of the normal stress. On the other hand, the interface friction angle of the grease method was quite high under low normal stress conditions. Thus, the plastic sheet method appears to be a more appropriate technique under low normal stress conditions to reduce the boundary friction for laboratory scale model tests. As compared with the grease method, advantages of the plastic sheet method include constant friction angles, less time for preparation and clean-up, and lower cost. To investigate their applicability, both lubrication systems were used in some large-scale laboratory retaining wall experiments. Earth pressure measurements obtained near the side walls indicated that, under a low normal stress, the plastic sheet method was more effective in reducing side wall friction. keywords: earth pressure, bearing capacity, plastic sheet method 誌 謝 承蒙指導教授薛大千與李小千博士耐心、悉心的指導,無論在課業或是生活上均給予最大的支持,其謙沖且嚴謹的待人處事與治學態度以及豐富且紮實的學識,皆令學生萬分敬佩,亦是學生學習的典範。能在恩師的帶領下學習與成長是學生莫大的榮幸。 本篇論文的完成,感謝蔡明春博士、胡毓彬博士以及薛大千博士等口試委員於百忙之中撥空指導,提供諸多寶貴意見,使得本論文得以更加完善,在此一併致謝。研究期間


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