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成人高等教育 毕业设计(论文) 题 目 高效湿法混合制粒机的 减速箱改造设计 学 院 机电工程学院 专 业 机械设计制造及其自动化 年 级 级 姓 名 指导教师 ( 年6月) 广东工业大学继续教育学院制 高效湿法混合制粒机的减速箱改造设计 摘 要 在湿法制粒中,必须要有适当平稳转速和高效的制粒效率,而影响上述条件的就是制粒设备中,从电机到机械传动部分的重要过程,即减速器的机械传动。 GHL型高效湿法混合制粒机采用一级立轴式蜗杆蜗轮减速器,对工作效率而言,一级蜗杆蜗轮减速器由于齿面间存在较大的滑动速度,因此,摩擦损耗大,传动效率低。对维修方面而言,由于一级蜗杆蜗轮减速器的体积过大,造成设备维修时困难。因此,有必要对GHL型高速湿法混合制粒机的减速器进行重新设计改造。 圆锥—圆柱齿轮减速器是现代机械中应用广泛的一种传动形式,它主要适用于输出轴必须垂直布置的场合中。 由于是二级传动,因此较平稳,准确可靠。箱体外型较小,重量轻,结构紧凑。 综述以上优点,刚好符合GHL型高效湿法混合制粒机的改造要求。 当今的减速器是向着大动率,大传动比,小体积,高机械效率,以及使用寿命长的方向发展。随着近代计算机技术与数控技术的发展,使得机械加精度,加工效率得到提高,减速器内的齿轮,传动轴,箱体等的制造更加精密化、标准化、模块化,伴随着机械设备更加精确与完美。 关键词 :圆锥—圆柱齿轮减速器、齿轮、传动轴、箱体、轴承 High wet granule attaining the reducer design Author: Mo mo Tutor: Zhaoyong Hu ABSTRACT In the wet granule, must have appropriate steady speed and high efficiency, and granulating effect of the above conditions is granulating equipment, mechanical transmission from the motor to process, the important part of the mechanical transmission gear reducer. GHL type high wet attaining grain machine adopts worm gear reducer primary vertical shaft type of work efficiency, level of worm gear reducer gear tooth surface due to exist between the speed of sliding friction loss is big, therefore, the efficiency is low, the transmission. For maintenance, the worm gear reducer volume 1, when too much equipment maintenance. Therefore, it is necessary to GHL type high wet granule attaining the reducer redesigned transformation. Taper - cylindrical gear reducer is widely used in modern machinery of a kind of transmission, it mainly applies to the output shaft must vertical layout. Due to a secondary transmission, therefore is smooth, accurate and reliable. Box shape smaller, light weight, compact structure. With advantages, just above the review GHL type high wet attaining the reconstructive requirement. Grain Todays rate of big move towards the speed reducer is big


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